Was it someting I said...?


They know where to find me........:bugeyed:
It was a slow day at the Meta Shop, and this very thin anxious woman came in and wanted a 10 minute reading. A general, she said. She was very scattered and unfocused, and could hardly shuffle the cards. so I laid them out, and started to read......and I said something about someone in her life giving her a hard time recently, and that they either couldn't help it or could help it--(sorry - I rarely remember much of anything about a reading afterwards) and she shot to her feet, and ran out of the room, saying, "That's enough! ! That's what I came for!!" the reading had been going for 2 minutes, at that point. I came out after her, and we went to the counter, where I told the owner, 2 minutes, and stepped away from the counter. She did pay the 10 minute minimum, which I didn't expect.
After she'd gone the owner and I had the mandatory conversation about store rules.
"Magpie, we never do readings less than 10 minutes"
"Hey, I wasn't consulted on this one! she just ran out of the room."
"Well, she said she didn't like the reading"
" I guess not--she ran."
"Why'd she do that?"
I dunno. Might have been something I said...I guess. Or else she's just crazy. Her energy was all over the place."
"Well, don't do readings less than 10 minutes."
"I don't!"
"Oh....OK--your last customer left you a $10. tip."
"So does that cancel out the complaint?"
"I guess it does."

So, AT'ers, I guess I hit a nerve--has this happened to anyone else here? And how did you handle it?


Did they expect you to give her eight minutes of 'filler'? :confused:

In my experience, people who repeatedly deny what you are saying {Nope! Nope! Nope!} or do what your querent did - get up and leave - are telling you that you are right on the money and they don't want to admit it - to themselves or to you.

I'm still confused by the shop owner's reaction .... :confused:


She sounded a bit of a wacko to me. I've decided if I don't like the sound of someone or they are behaving oddly, I will just refuse to read for them, as it invariably ends up with them saying stuff, no, your way off etc... Perhaps if you get someone like this again, and they're acting weird when shuffling, maybe you could say something like "I'm not getting a connection with you" etc, But I don't know what your stores policy would be? Do you have to read for everyone who turns up?

You sound like you are great, talented reader, Magpie, customers tipping you etc, so ask yourself do you really need customers like that one?



Magpie I had the same experience a few weeks ago.
It was for a man.
He had paid for a 30 minute reading, we were 4 minutes into it when I pointed to a card (he wanted me to use the Soul Cards so I was) and I said "This is the man you can be."
He started to cry, ran out of the room saying "I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore."
I went after him to try and give him a refund but he disappeared.
It left me scratching my head.
I would have loved to get to the bottom of that one.
I know it had to do with a woman and I may have used the exact words she had used, and it freaked him out.
I don't know, but it sure was strange.

I had one more like that a woman...She paid for 20 minutes. Sat down and the first thing out of MY mouth was "Well you have nothing else to do here, just sit back and enjoy the rest of your life because this is the last time you'll have to come back in."
She got a big smile on her face gave me a 5$ tip and said."Thanks, that's what I felt all along, and that's all I wanted to know."
Poof she left.
And I have no idea why I said that it just flew out of my mouth.
But it was exactly what she needed to hear.

Being a reader is one interesting gig hey!


WoW! thank you all for the great responses.

I do think I hit home, and she was hoping/expecting that I wouldn't. People really shouldn't ask questions they don't want the answers to. I'm not worried abut that woman--I'm good and know my stuff--it was just a weird thing that happened that I wanted to share--maybe learn something new--and trade a few good stories with y'all.

Tarotbear, I don't understand the shop owner a great deal of the time...I think his big issue is that he's in charge--down to every itty teeney detail if he's in the mood. I think it comes of having worked in a meta shop (for a crazy owner) for 20 years before getting his own shop. I also have a theory that most self-employed people are self employed because no one would put up with them if they weren't the boss, LOL! He's actually a good guy, and I like him--for one thing, he doesn't want his butt kissed!

I'd like to see him try to make me "Vamp" for 8 minutes! But there actually was enough in the cards on the table to keep me busy for well over 10 minutes, if she'd stuck around. It's a shame, really--there might have been a solution to her problem there, if she'd been able to hang in. But then again, for all I know, she went home with a clear picture of how to solve her problem. I know I don't understand how all this works most of the time. I know it works if I show up and do my best. Beyond that, it's not my responsibility--and apparently I don't "Need to Know", LOL.

Sienna, I don't know what the store policy is on refusing to read for someone....I'm not at all sure I have the "right" of refusal. The owner is a businessman and sees readings as primarily a commodity. Oddly enough, he has only very good, experienced, very professional readers.

Lark m' dearie, it sure is interesting, the way it works sometimes. the only other time I had something like this happen was 38 or 9 years ago, when a man--looked like a farmer-- walked in and I looked at him, opened my mouth and said, "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?" He went dead white, and turned around and ran away like the Devil was chasing him. I had no idea I was going to say that--it was a complete surprise all the way around! :bugeyed:

Go figure!! :D


Hey there, Magpie...
Ive told this next story a couple of times here on Aeclectic, but it totally suits this thread...

I was at a party once - House party - Didn't know a lot of the people there, and word got out somehow that "Rogan is a Tarot Reader!"...

So, Im whisked into a room, someone chucked an enigma CD on, lit some candles, and suddenly Im reading for people lining up outside the bedroom door...

One girl came in and sat down on the bed (Yes, I was reading on the bed... It wasn't really my thing...) And she seemed really scattered... I picked she was using straight away, so that made it harder... I thought "Keep it simple" and just decided on a three-card spread for her... Short, sharp and shiny...

Well... the first card down... It was Death. This girl shot to her feet shaking her head, tears welling up in her eyes and I immediately launched into the "No no no, it's good! It's good!" but she suddenly screamed "I KNEW IT!" and ran from the room with a cat-like howl.... No, Im not kidding...

I sat there totally dumb-founded, while three people rushed into the room with "What happened?!" What did you say?!"
Well... I hadn't said anything!

We couldn't find her after that... she just disappeared.
Dunno what happened to her.


Hi all.

Not long ago something similar happened to me - in a happy way - A lady cam for a 20minute reading and the first thing I said to her she burst into tears and the tissues were handed out. She was happy though - she heard what she feared she wouldnt. She said she didnt have to stay any longer, but the waitress turned up with her coffee and I kept the reading happeneing.

Magpie said:
....I'm not at all sure I have the "right" of refusal. The owner is a businessman and sees readings as primarily a commodity. Oddly enough, he has only very good, experienced, very professional readers.

This is only my opinion, but unless you are an employee as such, I think you fall into the category of a sub-contractor - and even under either of those - you have the right to refuse a client. It might get messy, but seriously, if you have good reason not to read for someone - intuitively or otherwise - then I also think you have reasonable grounds to refuse the reading - or recommend another reader - or reading for the person on another day. Taking this up with the owner to sort itout might help (?)

As Im posting this I just heard one of Austarlias swimmers (Ian Thorpe) has pulled out of swimming in the Commonwealth games. (Its a big deal over here - world record holder blah, blah). Can you imagine his coach saying "Im sorry Ian - you not allowed to refuse - now SWIM!!!" LOL!!! :p

Elven x


Elven said:
...........Can you imagine his coach saying "Im sorry Ian - you not allowed to refuse - now SWIM!!!" LOL!!! :p

Elven x
ROLF!!! I think I hurt myself laughing!!
Bless you Elven--you've given me the perfect arguement if I ever need it! Actually, if push came to shove I think Our Leader would grumble but accept it. He has this soft core deeeeep inside. Kind of like a hedgehog, spiney back, soft belly. ;)


magpie, who knows what went on in this querent's mind... maybe starting out with saying someone was giving her a hard time, her train of thoughts went, going around unknown twists, to "oh, no! this reader is going to want me to buy talismans or enchanted candles to protect myself from evil", and who knows who or what she was thinking you were saying was giving her a hard time...

We have to face it, the good readers don't raise up the same commotion as the bad ones, the fraud ones, or those taking advantage of people's gullibility. Who knows what she heard before....

This reminds me of a discussion I recently had with the new man in my life. He is black, and we discussed about how people living in foreign countries always are like a calling card for their people. If they integrate and behave, nobody notices them. But as soon as things go wrong, everyone raises their heads, is outraged and prejudice pops up - to splash over on the "good" ones who have to suffer the same prejudice just because they came out of the same country as those misbehaving.

It is the same with us readers - the bad apple leaves an impression that is hard to overcome for others...

Now I know this "rant" is inspired only by a "maybe" and a "who knows" but the thought came to my mind as soon as i read your post, so i thought I'd talk about it....


Hi mag,
Sorry to hear about this experience but outbursts may happen.

I have also done readings in a meta shop for some time and I have settled before with the owner that I am the one who will decide for whom I will read (I knew that there sometimes show up strange ppl) and she agreed to that.

I always tell ppl before my ethics (they can see them also in written form) to make ppl calm and to have some time to do a kind of screening what type of querent I'll get. I also tell them a few things about Death, Tower and Devil in case they might show up in the reading.

I once had a querent ( a good looking woman of about 40 years old with an interesting job, good cash, etc) but first thing she told me was "Ok, I want to get a reading and afterwards I want to commit suicide!"

In the reading I found out that she always had the wrong type of lover and that several readers from tv astrolines had told her rubbish. At least I could talk her out of commiting suicide (and I suppose that was all why she came to see me).

Mag, don't get distressed about this woman! I am sure you did a good reading but sometimes ppl freak out when you hit home. Such kind of ppl has often neglected to see matters how they are. Realitiy can sometimes be cruel.

I don't understand the behaviour of the shop owner, must be a funny person.