LS Celtic's Non-traditional card interpretations

Glass Owl

In LS Celtic Tarot's LWB, it discourages using the traditional method of attributing an "almost opposing meaning to upside-down cards" with this particular deck. Instead, "the up card represents creative energy, that which is taking place in the present time, of action, while the upside-down card must be interpreted as receptive, potential and perceptive energy."

In addition it goes on to say, "traditional decks are often extremely symbolic and synthetic. This deck, especially the Major Arcana, shoud be interpreted descriptively, in a more wide reaching manner, possibly trying to intuit and imagine how the image continues beyong the physical outline of the card. On the contrary the Minor Arcana are more symbolic and thus open to more immediate interpretation."

Do any of you apply these changes to this and/or other decks as well?

--Glass Owl

full deck

Regarding your question, you might consider doing a search for "reversals" in the AT archive because it is closely related to such. The use of reversed cards is a debated topic and it makes sense in that some people may want to get away from the "yes/no", "good/bad" connotations that are commonly attributed to the use of reversals in some reading methods.

Some folks only want a yes or no answer and spend little time trying to understand the implications of their questions. Still, I guess there is a place for that magic 8-ball . . .