Fewer In-Store Choices...


Living in the New York City area of North East New Jersey, the most popular large chain bookstores are Barnes & Noble and Borders. While B&N has always offered only a small selection of in store Tarot decks for sale, Borders usually stocks a surprising variety of them--although sometimes behind the doors of locked display units, making it difficult for browsing. In any event, during the past year, I have noticed a steady reduction of Borders in-store Tarot decks, with a simultaneous increase in more New Age-y oracular card systems. While not disparaging those oracular decks in any way, I find this trend disappointing. Curious to know if anyone else has noticed the same trend and have any ideas as to why this is happening...


While I have no experience shopping in Borders, I have noticed this trend in my local Barnes & Noble and Hastings stores.

They used to carry an average range of tarot decks - all the usual suspects were there - Thoth, Rider-Waite, Hanson-Roberts, Aquarian, Cat People, and a variety of recent decks. Lately, though (by lately I mean specifically in the past 6 to 9 months) they've carried fewer and fewer tarot decks, and have added increasing numbers of Doreen Virtue oracle decks, angel oracles, and other oracles.

Why the change? Maybe the oracle decks are better sellers . . . maybe people are less likely to steal them. Maybe the profit margin is better. Maybe the buyers for the large chain stores think the oracle decks look really cool, and so they keep ordering more. Who knows?

I'm not happy about the trend at all, but there's not much I can do about it beyond continuing to buy tarot decks from stores in my area, so that they'll know someone is interested in them.

tell me about it

I was wondering about that.... I'm new to Tarot, and so far the decks that suit me best are decks I've actually touched, however the lack of options has urged me to turn to online retailers. Even the local magic shops don't have as many options as my little heart might desire. I hope they go back to having more tarot and less oracle. Of course, they'll do what sells I suppose. I've stopped even looking at the book stores, I look here and at the holistic shops. What's a girl to do when she's gotta catch em all???



I live in the Washington, DC area, and I've noticed that the range of choices at different chain stores is relatively mixed. A couple of store's selections (both Borders stores within the city) have an amazing range of choices, of both tarot decks and oracles. They have some titles that I would think of as more rare, as well as old favorites. I'm not really buying new decks at the moment, but I can still ogle the choices and feel like a kid in a candy shop. Mmmm...tarot window shopping. :D

Of course, another Borders a few miles away has almost no tarot or oracle decks at all.

On the other hand, an absolutely massive Barnes and Noble just outside the city limits had perhaps five oracle decks total, and didn't even carry the RWS or the Thoth, although I did notice a few Hanson-Roberts, a Medieval Scapini and an Aquarian.

I suppose it depends on what sells where. The next time I want to buy a tarot deck, I'll probably go to the store that I know has the best selection of decks, just to encourage them to keep it up.


tell me about it said:
I was wondering about that.... I'm new to Tarot, and so far the decks that suit me best are decks I've actually touched, however the lack of options has urged me to turn to online retailers. Even the local magic shops don't have as many options as my little heart might desire. I hope they go back to having more tarot and less oracle. Of course, they'll do what sells I suppose. I've stopped even looking at the book stores, I look here and at the holistic shops. What's a girl to do when she's gotta catch em all???


Hi, Katie.

Even at the local Borders I mentioned that had a wide range of choices, the decks were shrink wrapped, so it's impossible to flip through the cards. You have to know what you want to buy already. You could, of course, buy cards online, and there are some great tarot online retailers around. If a deck doesn't click with you, you could always offer it for trade in the tarot trading forum. That's what I've done with decks I've bought online thinking I'd love, and then just didn't click with. Decks I didn't like have gone to good homes, and I've gotten some decks I've absolutely loved.


The best display I've seen in a LONG while was at a spirit expo (new age fair), there was a guy who had two six foot long tables packed full of boxes of tarot decks. It was wonderful!

But yes, both Barnes & Noble and Borders are carrying a lot less than they used to.


HudonGray said:
But yes, both Barnes & Noble and Borders are carrying a lot less than they used to.

I think that is because of the theft factor. They are easy to put in a pocket.
I like either Amazon or another online retailer. But first I peruse the pics of the deck I am interested in here. Some just draw you to them.



The borders nearest to me carrys a fair few tarot decks, but the one about 45 minutes away from me carrys an astounding amount. The one nearest to me keeps the decks in a locked glass case, the other one keeps them behind the counter.


HudsonGray said:
The best display I've seen in a LONG while was at a spirit expo (new age fair), there was a guy who had two six foot long tables packed full of boxes of tarot decks. It was wonderful!

But yes, both Barnes & Noble and Borders are carrying a lot less than they used to.
We were at the same expo HudsonGrey...maybe we were standing right next to each other and didn't even know it!
The glass cabinet at Borders in Milwaukee was very empty last time I was there and Barnes and Noble has a lot of oracles but not much tarot.


I also noticed that the book stores in my area have fewer tarot decks than before so when I need decks for trading partners I often have to order them and it takes up to 2 or 15 days until they are in the shop.

I am looking forward to Frankfurt book fair to indulge in my tarot passion, LOL.