Have you ever used the cards to ask the question?


I was just reading Rachel Pollack's book Forest of Souls, in one of the first few chapters she presents a way of pulling a card to find out what the question is.
Anyone else do this?


I have, but it tends to be in unusual circumstances. Generally an issue where I do not even know where to start because it is so clouded for me.

It is a helpful technique.


Thirteen has a seven card Horseshoe spread that doesn't use any question. Card #4 at the top of the horseshoe is the question/issue of the spread. It's a great practice spread for learning how to form a question. Especially once you have the answer. :) Hh


I do a highly modified cross; and the first card is the 'issue'. Although it may not immediatealy be clear how it realates to the question, and sometime doesn't relate at all but is the question that 'should' have beeen asked and is being answered!




On my first attempt at the Thoth spread, which is huge, I drew one card to clear my mind of all other issues, and focused on that-


I generally use the first two positions of the Celtic Cross to represent the question being asked. I find it very helpful, particularly if the querant has their poker face on.


Sometimes one feels a need to pull some cards... One knows they need to find out something but they don't know what or how. In these circumstances I find it useful (and fun!) to find out what question I need to be asking myself/others/the universe.


Ivy Rhiannon

hmm never used this method, but I will definatly give it a try. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Nocturnal Lure



Sometimes I have a feeling that's hard to put in to words... focusing on the feeling I spread te cards, often in small spreads and make the card pick a direction and voice the question that stands at the root of the "feeling".


its definitely an idea- havent tried it tho.
I either ask a question and pull out the cards..

or lay them out and work out whats going on...