Yes/No readings and accuracy


Has anyone tested their accuracy on yes/no readings? I recently started to do them. The weird thing is that when I ask a question about myself and I obviously know the answer, I get the wrong answer. I have asked for other people and get correct answers. I recently asked for a friend about whether her mom's health was OK. I got a yes the two times I asked. Putting that aside, I was wondering about other people's experience with this particular spread. Any input from people and their experiences would be nice. The spread is just laying out 5 cards and if the majority are upright = yes, if the majority are reversed then it's a no.


Hello Anja,
Instead of cards I flip a coin for yes or no answers or very rarely I use a pendulum. Don't know how to say this precisely but imo tarotcards have another purpose. They tell so much more then just flat yes or no. I believe it was Tarotbear who once gave an interesting method for tarotcards and yes/no questions. If I remember well it was: flipping all the cards one by one, when the Fool was first it was a yes and when the World appeared it was a no. Or vice versa... It doesn't matter I believe as long as you firmly pick one for the yes and the other for the no.

Now to your question: no I never tried it with the spread you mentioned. It wouldn't work for me as I don't use reversals. It is interesting though why it works so well with questions for others and not for yourself. It sounds like the more often returning question of why reading for oneself is so difficult. I do have experience with that. I found that reading for myself only works if I am relaxed and not (too much) worried about any outcome. Otherwise I think I influence the spread with my worries and being nervous. It that your experience too? Anyway interesting what you shared with us, I never heard of that particular system. Thanks.


I'm sure I put my anxious energy into the cards whenever I ask anything about myself. I have tried to be calm, meditate, etc. but I still can't completely seperate myself from the question, yet. Thanks for your input. I was just curious what others have experienced. Also, quick question, why don't you use reversals?


I went through a period of about 4-5 months where I tried out yes/no questions. I used Mary Greer's method. I found also that the answers were very contradictory. To the point that if Tuesday's answer was true, Wednesday's could not possibly be...

When I asked the same question twice I never got the same asnwer twice, even if I asked an hour apart. The asnwers just seemed random.

So here's the kicker! Finally I got fed up and actually did a reading and ASKED "Are the asnwers I am getting using this method accurate?" Can you beleive the cards actually told me "NO". I dropped the method like a hot potato and have never done a yes/no question since.

I figure if you think about it carefully, there is always a way to get the same info with a regular question as you would with a yes/no question.

I.e. if you want to know if a move to a new city would improve your life. You can always split it into 2 questions : "What will happen if I move?" and "What will happen if I don't move?" and pick the most positive of the two.

So that's more what I do now.



I agree that yes/no spreads are rarely accurate. I tend to steer clear of them now.

Often an answer is more complex than a yes/no will allow anyway.


Anja said:
Also, quick question, why don't you use reversals?

78 cards in all kinds of combinations tell me already their story. But I'm still very
intrigued by the idea of reversals referring to previous cards as a lesson. The idea is just so brilliant. One day I'm gonna try. :)


i do yes/no readings with good accuracy both for myself and others but i dont ask the same question twice...i have tried it here on AT as well and it has worked well here too...these are the readings i enjoy doing the most infact!!they are short and sweet and dont take much time and i also use a lot intuition too...


What kind of yes/no spread do you do? My gut feeling tells me that when you keep asking a yes/no question or any question over and over again, it's like the tarot/universe gets mad. It's like stop it. I have been guilty of that, not anymore though. I was curious if this has happened to any one else. I'm sure it has. That is very interesting about your accuracy though. I do like hearing that you have had successful readings.

Knight of Wands

I use a good spread posted by someone on here (Sorry, I can't think who!), where the positions are...

1)YES if...
2) NO if...
3) MAYBE if...

I use this spread for Yes/No questions because it gives advice and situations around the question, if you get me. It can tell you what you must do to get it, or what you shouldn't do.

I really reccomend this spread!



Thank you

Thank you Knight of Wands,
I'll definitely try this spread out. How has your accuracy been with yes/no spreads?