Sabian Symbols Study Group: Taurus Degree 28 - #58


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: TAURUS
Degree: 28
Number: 58



Dr Jones Key Word Persuasion

Solar Fire part of body Deltoid muscle and main neck muscles

Element Morganite
Discussion Morganite is a pink coloured gem quality beryl, in recent times the colour is enhanced with heat treatment. Morganite psiritually inspires higher loving compassion, equality, empathy and patience a more mature loveing life. It is heart chakra with a focus on higher wholistic love rather than puppy fleeting love.

Oh another Taurus feeling Taurus symbol – this is a life of fine things and much love in a really earthy mature and rich way. Persuasive skills - MOST IMPORTANT.With this symbol life shows us fine things, art, food and people, you may find you will work with people on a very personal level to reach their own self love. An aspect of this symbol is the choice - to choose some one who respects and loves you for who you are not what they want you to be.
ALSO self love - take some time to realise that loving yourself if far more important that having someone love you and that once your self love is full and confident mature love will follow - its an energy thing!

Oh Jane Austen novels come to mind (videos too :) )



Symbol: A Woman in Middle Life stand in rapt sudden realization of forgotten charms, unexpected recovery of Romance.

Solar Fire part of body, Deltoid muscle and main neck muscles.

The Deltoid is the muscle that caps the shoulder. It draws the arm away from the body and lifts the elbow. Lung problems such as bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, congestion and flu usually affect the deltoid. When a person is extremely ill or under a great deal of stress, their energy goes out of balance. When this happens, a 'meridian' reversal occurs. Meridian are the waterways and byways of the body. When they become blocked or dammed up, our muscles are affected.

If we could sense and feel someone with this disorder, we would feel an overwhelming emptiness, as if someone had just turned a switch and cut off all our vital supplies. It would be difficult to sit or even stand up straight. All we'd want to do is roll in a ball; and want someone to hold us. If no one comes, we withdraw, we eat, we smoke, we vegetate, we sleep. When we are like this it's hard to reach out for what we want. Our deltoids tighten and we have a lot of difficulty raising our arms.

At the base of the brain is the Medulla Oblongata. This area at the back of the neck feeds nerve energy to our five senses. When we have no desire, no will, our nerve energy becomes depleted, it never reaches our ears, eyes, throat or mouth. Our five senses are literally starved and react by creating a physical problem. When we are drained of energy, of power, our body steals it from our eyes, ears, nose, throat and mouth.

A woman in her middle life has been for most of her life a devoted mother, wife and loyal worker. Women have a strong ability to love, encourage others and sacrifice their life and hard work for others. But there comes a time when their giving loving power, suddenly has no one to give it to. As we saw in Taurus 27 An Old Indian Woman Selling Beads and Trinkets, she was able to emotion detach from her experiences, she had matured spiritually – like the rough rock that becomes a smooth gemstone. The woman in her middle life is commencing a journey that is most challenging but also very rewarding.

Mid-life has been said to create all kinds of problems but when we are in "LOVE" with life, hormones are released, our nerve endings become more sensitive, our senses become stronger. People in love, attract love by sending signals we are ready to give and receive - and others respond in kind.

When we are being ourselves and doing what we love to do, we lost track of time and we are happy! Is it not happiness we are looking for? Time does not fly when you're having fun, it stops! This state of loving who we are and what we are doing is the center of free Will, peace, love and creativity. Through our own natural cycles, we can recognize who we really are and what we really want.

BUT there's another love, a love of Self and a "LOVE" we all continually search to discover. "Going Within", for men and women is a way of accepting our feminine energy - the Will - as an equal and vital part of life. It is our masculine mind that is discovering and learning how to accept its feminine counterpart - the love of its life - its own feelings - its WILL.



The Awakening Woman


How extraordinary! I'll PM you, you've written something so close to home that it's amazing. Reading this was astounding... between Elven, Marina and yourself, you guys have a great team for intepreting the Symbols...


I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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