When does the year of lovers begin for me?


I was just reading a few threads. I worked out my year to be the lovers. Last year was the Pope right?

When exactly does the year of the lovers begin for me? Is it on my birthday or the start of the new year?

Btw my bday is 10 June

Thank you


Hello cheekyminx and welcome back!

I think this comes down to preference. I go birthday to birthday so as my birthday is in December, 2005 runs from my birthday in December 2005 to the day before my birthday in December 2006. So for most of 2006 I am still using 2005 - if that makes sense! I have also worked out the cards going by the calender year and they make no sense to my life. I think you have to find your own best way.

Having said that, it's not an exact science and doesn't suddenly change overnight at midnight. Mostly I don't realise until after an event that it relates back to my year card and only then am I well impressed!


I go birthday to birthday as well. Even if your birthday was December 31st. Just makes more sense to me, and makes it a more personal value.


Since your 'Year' is calculated from your birth date, your 'Year Card' runs from your birthday to your birthday, not a calendar January to December year.

However~ as I have said before and elsewhere ~ this year does not 'kick in' mysteriously on the stroke of midnight like Hagrid visiting Harry Potter on his 11th birthday; you can see the effects anywhere from two months previously to two months hence.

June 10, 2005 = 5 = the start of the Year of the Hierophant. You should be starting to see the transitions, and on June 10, 2006 = 6 = the start of the Lovers Year.