Tarot on NCSI


Abby was using a deck tonight that appeared to be an oversized RWS...
calling it "The ancient art of divination."

Anyone else catch it?

Brock Johnson

What is NCSI?



CSI for the Navy, it is even in the Netherlands on tv :)
But haven't seen this episode yet. Was it any good anyway?


I can't recall this episode, maybe I missed it or we are still lacking behind in Old Germany. BTW I love the team of NCIS, they are a pretty unusual bunch ;)


It was a great episode. Also for those who are into "Star Trek" there were two guest stars, one who had a connection to "Enterprise" and one to "Voyager".

The cards Abby used were really large. I liked that she said using the cards helped her think.


Yes and I love “Abby” so unconventional
If I where into girls she would be the one and i'm not at all surprised to see her use tarot cards