coins and circles


I am fairly new at tarot. At the moment I try to learn about the cards. Their individual meaning and the groups. So I did a serach on and
I ended upp with information about the cards that feels really good, exept. My cards has circles.. there is no feeling at all about economy in them, balance yes money no.
The informaion I've got has coins instead of circles. I belive this messes up my learning.
Is there differens in coins and circles. And if it is, do anyone know where I can get the right information.
The cards are Anchestral Path if it makes more difference.

The thing is I did my search in swedish to improve my understanding. So at first I just figured that it was a translation thing. But it has never come to feel rigth. The others do..



Still searching and more confused as ever.. Now there are circles, pentagrams and coins.. Circles feels a lot like balans in the everyday life.. witch includes economy. But can it really be its mark?

Anyone know this? I need to know before I go any further with my studies.. I do not wanna do all this work twice. (translating, writhing it twice allready in diffrent places. Both at hand and on the computer.)


Hi fantasymoon - pentacles, disks (circles?), coins are all related to ressources, exchange and balance, as you correctly identified. Money is a part of exchange. Originally the suit was called COINS (DENERI/DENIERS). The Golden Dawn substitued pentacles or disks - bringing in an element of magic, and underplaying the monetary aspect of the suit, which remained - but not as obviously as before.

To me, all these in one way or another speak of our relation to the physical world, to balance of resources (inner and outer resources - money, energy, love, etc.), to the link between the physical and the spiritual world. I believe pentacles/disks/coins show that link. The physical is spiritual, the spiritual physical - because there is a basic unity between them. Exchange and balance allows us to approach that unity. You see it very clearly in a card like the Thoth 2 of Disks, with its yin-yang symbols; the Marseille Seven of Coins, with the spiritual triangle of coins meeting the physical square; or in the RWS 9 of Pentacles, with the lady alone, physically and spiritually at one with herself and the earth.


Hey, welcome, fantasymoon,
Just a little hint to make things easier for you: there is a small sword with the word "learn" on the upper right side. There are lots of useful information for tarot newbies :)

BTW in the Haindl tarot the stones equal coins/pentacles. You often get a first hint of the card creator's idea when checking the name of the pentacles as most Pagan inclined authors use the name of pentacle, the more French inclined ones tell them Derniers, etc.

Hope this helps a bit.


My opinion only, no offense to the Ancestral Path

In my own personal opinion, you have picked a really difficult deck to start out with! I have the Ancestral Path, and it's lovely, but for me it doesn't speak the same language as most of my other decks, and I would have had a difficult time learning the traditional meanings with it.

This suit can also be called Shields, which probably doesn't help either.


Well my head feels i little bit ligther now anyway. :p after a break for a couple of hours and clear my head. And reading your posts has helpet. I am on my way now.. I think. :D

I do understand why you catlin informed me about the little learning sword in the corner. But it was totally unnecessarily this time around.. I started surfing there before I started posting.. How ever the text there is still to be compared with the texts I have on other places.. :)

Apollonia it do help actually. In my mind everything but coins is totally logical. Shields, circles, pentagrams.. it all makes sence.. but not the coins. (Could have to to with my person. Non money intresset.) yeas I know, this deck is'nt the best starters deck. I have considered purchase another one, simpler. But it would being like giving upp, and this one speaks so loud to me. For me this hole ancestral thing is natural and simple.

Helvetica well yes of course! That makes perfect sence. then it is the way I thougth. I am going stright to my cards and look att the circles.. Sort of presenting this to my self. I like to connect each suit with the sort of thing it is supposed to present. So that my memory will lock the pictuers with the meaning to them.

Thank you all.. :D Now I feel like I can go and work again.


You guys know what.. I am going to ignore anything else I have gathered end just use the information rigth here.. The information here should be enough for me to practice this upcomming month. Why make things harder then they need to be.. rigth? :D


fun with patterns

Tarot de Marseille Denier Patterns
- Aeclectic Tarot Forum

The significance of the symbol is the starting point~
but the nature and presentation of the imagery may
develop many possible intuitive interpretations too...


In my experiance, the best way to think of the coins, disks, pentacles, stones, ect suit is to think of what element they represent. They represent Earth. Earth in turn is about manifestation. It's good to keep in mind that all suits have an elemental attribute.

Wands = Fire. The element of thought.
Swords = Air. The element of actions.
Cups = water. The element of emotions.
Disks = Earth. The element of manifestation.


This is really healpfull to me. Thank you so much!

It is this combinding the informaiton that is a bit tricky. I have never even tried to learn anything about the elements, symbols or so.. One can say that I try to pusch in a lot of info in a small time. I want this started so that the deep learninig can beging.

I can not cheat, that is for shure. :D