Reading thoughts and not the truth...


after few months of experiencing tarot i realized the cards simply reflect what's on quarent's mind and not what's really happening.

or for example if asked a question, 'what should be done to solve a problem', the cards will simply say what querent thinks should be done to solve the problem.

is something wrong with me? aren't i suposed to contact inner guide and not person's physical mind?


(in my opinion).. before each need to clear yourself of outside influences (obviously you're sensitive to the quarent's mind) .. and also mentally restate the question yourself while knowing/afirming that you are seeking the Truth of the situation


With my boyfriend, I cast the cards and showed him exactly what was going on. Everything came up and his secrets were laid bare on the table.

His reaction: "Well, I knew all that."

I later (secretly) asked for clarification of one card in the spread, asking the question about the Tower: who was going to betray him? (since he was lying both to himself and to his employer), and drew my own significator. A couple of days later on Monday morning I was in the bath when his employer rang - he has been off sick, I only have a part-time job at the moment, so we were spending a long weekend round at his house - and apparently his employer heard me through the bathroom walls sploshing about and it is lucky that he is a ***very very very*** good liar, otherwise he would probably have been caught red-handed. The cards are very good at what they do, whether you approach them asking for clarification of thoughts or standard "fortune-telling", i.e. future divination. Incidentally, in the spread, the way he overcame the "obstacle" of the Tower was shown by the King of Pentacles; I wasn't sure what this meant until I asked the cards this afternoon for a snapshot of our relationship and drew the Queen and King of Pentacles in a row, suggesting our futures really did lie together, even though neither of us wants to make any sort of long-term committment (as we have recently got back together after a year's hiatus, and we are - ironically - political activists in opposing parties!). In a sense, he himself was the King of Pentacles, overcoming the Tower by his barefaced cheekiness!

Perhaps sometimes we don't actually appreciate that the cards have read the situation accurately, which - to a sceptic like him, and to a novice like myself - is, or should be, the amazing beauty in the situation. I was actually touched that he was so blase about how the cards appeared to read his mind, and he didn't appear to question the fact that he had done so. I feel hopeful that he is gradually overcoming his scepticism, which is great, because if he is going to live with me for the rest of his life, he will have to get used to it!!!

Perhaps you are using the wrong spread - rather than a static spread that gives only a snapshot, perhaps you should focus the question on a dynamic progression.


Sinjin said:
after few months of experiencing tarot i realized the cards simply reflect what's on quarent's mind and not what's really happening
first, a suggestion - read this post very carefully - especially the last post on page two.

I have to disagree with you. Sometimes the cards tell us exactly what's going on - our own personal filtres provide a personal bias...

but then...that's only my opinion...



One of the reasons I stopped reading for other folks years ago was because I stopped improving as a reader - and got really good at "cold" reading - figuring out what people want to hear, and telling them that.

I'd had my cards read by someone who was genuinely talented, and I knew that I wasn't bringing my readings the same value that she brought to hers.

Not that you should put the cards down; but you might think about what's going on when you read. A little bit of "Cold" reading may be inevitable; but it will also rob your readings of deep insight.

In the meantime, I did my first reading for someone else in many years last night - a fellow musician who is having a tough time of it lately. The cards offered some hope and perspective.


Sinjin said:
aren't i suposed to contact inner guide and not person's physical mind?

That depends. Sometimes using the cards to clarify what is on one's mind can be helpful, but at other times you want to go further - to a realm of enlightenment beyond the mind. In my opinion, to do this, you really need to have some knowledge and understanding of the techniques of High Magic, and use them in conjunction with your Tarot work. You don't have to be a magician's magician, but a basic working knowledge can be very useful.



I can understand where you are coming from. I supose for me though I use that to my advantage to mull over my thoughts. Having a problem swim through your mind day in day out is rather annoying. When the cards reflect like a mirror what is on my mind, I take note, Ya know' try to use it to find out if my mind is working over time or if I have a genuine reason as to why these cards come. Use it as a tool.


Sinjin said:
aren't i suposed to contact inner guide and not person's physical mind?
Yes and no. Assuming there is a difference, yes. But this is a false dilemma. Why do we have to separate the one into two?

The soul for the Egyptians was in the head and the mind in the chest. Vice versa for "us" westerners. Either way you look at it, it is still one body.

When doing a reading, it is necessary to get a feeling of the querent's state of mind, their physical station in life, their outlook on life, many different aspects.

Only through a holistic approach can one hope to contact this "inner guide" you speak of. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.



Sinjin said:
after few months of experiencing tarot i realized the cards simply reflect what's on quarent's mind and not what's really happening.

or for example if asked a question, 'what should be done to solve a problem', the cards will simply say what querent thinks should be done to solve the problem.

is something wrong with me? aren't i suposed to contact inner guide and not person's physical mind?

Maybe when that happens it just means that the querent usually already knows the answer to his question, at least on some subsonscious level. In that case, what the querent is thinking will be the same as the actual truth of the matter.

A lot of times we already know the answer or suspect it, but are looking for confirmation as we are scared to take that next step.



Are you sure the *cards* are reading your querents' physical mind, or *you* are doing that?
As Balsamo said, it's called cold reading and it is that practice that has given a bad rap to the art of "fortune-telling" ; I am not saying you are a fraud, not at all, but there is a strong tendency to give fluffy readings or let-me-tell-you-what-you-want-to-hear type of readings when one is not relying and focusing on the *cards* and their *meanings*.

For more on cold readings:

You might want to let your querents handle the cards less, or not at all. Try to clear the deck between readings. Have your querents say nothing during the reading. No questions, no comments, nothing. They come in silence, sit quiet and you pull the cards and do your full reading without them even nodding, commenting etc.
Then, you'll know if you have really been reading the *cards* all along, or just doing cold readings based on what you *thought* the cards were saying. It's sooo easy to confuse intuition and opinion, and this can happen to anybody including yours truly.

The best card readers I have met do not like when querents start giving details. The most accurate of all was an Iranian lady who would cut you off straight away: "I read the cards first, you talk after".

As a querent also, it's the best way to assess what you are getting for your money...
