Positive & Negative Energy


Is there a place where you read that you find gives off more positive energy as to say somewhere else which attracts negative energy when reading Tarot. And why do you find that? Is there a spesific reason you know of or noticed which attracts that sort of energy?

I tend to read on my bed most of the time and I seem to attract good energy. Have done several reading in the university library in the past and have gotten some rather strange almost bizare readings from there. All I can put that down to is my bed and my room are inviting (sorry that sounds a little weird hahaha!). It has a good vibe where as the library is cold and stale and not very inviting.

Your thoughts?

- Dani

full deck

I do not really believe it has much to do with "energy", unless you are using a high-voltage light bulb or tesla coils (much fun there). It is more a matter of comfort in the reader. Most readers prefer a certain set up when they read since they find it conducive to reading. Such is mostly psychological since a reading relies upon the focus of the reader and often their perceived notions of comfort.

Naturally, a public setting might disturb some more than others simply because of the distractions.


I think it's like aphrodisiacs. The real aphrodisiac is between our ears. So is the positive energy for reading, in my opinion. Maybe at the library, you're just distracted more by not being as settled and comfortable as you are in your bedroom.

Le Chat

Positive Space

About 15 years ago I went to one of those Home Depot building-type stores and purchased a round circle 24" in diameter, unfinished but did not need sanding. When I got home I painted it with a black matte finish, top and sides; I think it's about 1 inch thick.

Then I found Tarot symbols, cut out others and put them around the edge with a large pentagram which I always set facing north (or as close as I can come to it). I them decoupaged (sp?) the top and sides of the circle. The top is completely smooth and the finish easy to just wipe with a wet cloth.

It's not heavy, and I keep it on its side between my couch and an end table. When I want to do a reading, I just roll it out and place it on the floor. I did cleanse the board with the usual articles. Whenever I sit before this board, I know and feel there is no negativity. For some reason (and it may be because I do this pretty much daily) I automatically feel grounded once I light a candle. It's automatic; it becomes a Sacred Space without any action from me.

That's just what I have done, but for you, I believe it would be finding whatever brings this transformation to you.

Walk in Beauty!


Cool cool, I was merely using the library and bed as a simple example and to see what other people thought in what they have experianced.


I don't really feel better or worse reading in different spots in my house. (I either do it on my bed, at my kitchen table, or at my computer desk. I used to do it on the couch but there's not enough space there.)

However, I did get a strange feeling when I read my friend last night. He is one of those skeptics, so maybe that's why. I just felt like the cards were saying, "Ick! Ick! I didn't like doing that!" ;) But I do know that it had nothing to do with location, since I've done perfectly fine readings at the table before.


I carry my deck out and about with me and cut it wherever I feel I need a reading.

I have heard that clutter and untidiness is not beloved of psychics or spirits as it gives off negative vibes, but I'm afraid any that surround me have probably got used to it by now.

full deck

Crowqueen said:
. . . I have heard that clutter and untidiness is not beloved of psychics or spirits as it gives off negative vibes . . .
Superstition perhaps? If this were true, my sock drawer would be quite evil.
If one's mind is not focused due to a lack of comfort when reading or clutter, then one will have some difficulties reading. Anything else is not germaine to Tarot.

Philip Harris


Mystics use a consistent sanctum to conduct their studies. Over time, a positive energy flow is established that enhances attunement. This vibratory setting is more conducive to meditation and to the receiving of inner messages. A library is often filled with scattered vibrations and therefore lacks clarity. It is like being in a shopping mall at a holiday, it is frustrating due to scattered energies. We live in a sea of vibrations and are also a part of the grand tapestry. Consistent attunement in one place builds an environment of vibration in which we are more comfortable.

full deck

Regarding your views, Mr. Harris — such has little to do with Tarot and certainly does does not take into account readers who hold public readings or reading in any number of places that are not a "sanctum". I personally wish you would discuss your study of Tarot and how your beliefs play a part in such — which I would be most curious to hear about.