losing faith?


This has probably been disucissed a million times before but let's talk about it again. Lately, I have lost faith in the cards and in my dreams, especially when the message is too good to be true. When my dreams and readings are about the more troublesome side of my life, I hear them loud and clear. But when the message is 'Hey, you're being loved', I don't believe it, or when the cards tell me to show a bit more love myself because I will get some back in return, I'm too scared to act on it because I don't believe them. Does this happen to anyone else? And what do you do about it?


This happens to me all the time, when a message is too good to be true I usually assume I'm either interpretating it worng or it's just a mirror of my wishes. The question of love is a tricky one though, it's all about confidence and knowing yourself. Not believeing that you can and deserve to be loved is something that's very hard to overcome, you just have to learn what your good qualities are as well as you're less great ones... To accept yourself for what and who you are. Sounds cheesy I know, but there's really no simple path to take to trusting love.


aww ... Why wouldn't you feel loved? =( You deserve it. This is a horrible problem, so maybe you should ask the cards why you feel this way. It happens to me all the time, too. But I thank the tarot cards for the kindness. It's an odd sort of oxymoron, looking on the bright side when I'm reading Vargo's darksome Gothic tarot. This is a special tarot deck because the characters seem to see me, "speak" to me, know everything about me under my outer candour, yet tell me everything will turn out fine. Maybe people just will tend to "believe", when their cards are Gothic?


You give and you receive. You must be a giver and not a gracious receiver. It is a difficult lesson. To save the dignity of the other person you must learn to receive graciously. Some people are takers and some are givers.
Balance is what you have to have in all things in life.
Now the taker types don't really care and just keep taking until you are drained dry. The giver will give to the very same extreme. It does not make much sense does it ?
How can life give you good things if you refuse to accept them ? Start with a little thing and if someone gives you something, just thank them and don't rush out to get them a bigger gift back. That is not what it is about.
Being grateful helps a lot for the trees and nature or whatever you think is great, that is graciousness you can never repay.


(((brighteye))) - this reminds me of the idea that news programmes always seem to be painting a gloomy picture of the world, yet millions of people have ordinary, happy, content lives away from major disasters or scandals. The Tarot cards can give you a good indication that "all is quiet on the western front" - in a sense, "no news is good news". That should encourage you, rather than frustrate you.

I have problems with being slightly psychic:

Firstly, my problem is that there is often a long time lapse between prediction and result, and it varies; I have records of dreams dreamt in 1997/98 about things I did only this spring; on the other hand my mind acted as clairvoyant on election night at the beginning of this month and although I watched none of the programmes I got the results spot on transmitted in a dream, give or take a digit which I may or may not have got right, but I certainly got the 3 and the 6 from 316 seats right. That's the issue I have trouble with, that's what frustrates me, that the event is always just around the corner; but it happens; my dreams are usually pretty accurate. I just wish the things that are supposed to happen would hurry up and happen; partly because the selfish part of me wants to say "I told you so"; partly because when they do happen it will be very very exciting; and partly because I feel like the Hanged Man - in suspense, in limbo, and waiting for the off. (Coincidentally - or not - he was my card of the day today!)

For me the "ripples" are starting to get closer together - I scored 11 out of 10 when I predicted the death of an MP, and that did actually scare me quite a bit - and since I asked for a sign that the political dominoes were starting to fall, and was given this information, I know we're "on the way", so to speak - but it just really frustrates me having this information but not being able to prove it. That's probably why premonitions come true - people didn't believe Cassandra until her predictions came true; Caesar ignored his wife's prophetic dream and as a result went to his death. (Ironically I was watching a version of beware the Ides of March at a kid's Shakespeare show, and had a little flash of insight. Around the Ides of March - OK so it was the 17th not the 15th, but I was only 2 days out, just like I was 5 days or so out with the MP's death - I did get the piece of news I had been dreading...!!!!)

Last night I was in a bookshop and passed a book showing soldiers in the snow from one mediaeval battle. I passed it and had a slight intuition that it was somehow significant. Today I heard that towns in the north of England have had snow...so the premonition was correct. I dreamt of a horse in a stirrup suspended just above the ground. While walking in town I noticed a toy horse in a shop window sitting in a baby swing, one of the ones which has a pouch where the child sits instead of just a bar or seat. It was uncanny if you are not used to it, but it made sense to me since I know pretty much that dreams work like that. The only thing that dents my confidence is "surfing the waves of time" yet having to go through linear time just like everybody else, there is no "fast forward" button unless you are a really skilled psychic.

Relax and listen to the good and not just the bad. You sound like you have the reverse of the problem I have - I so badly want to hear the good news that I sometimes overlook the bad, even though it has been there in the cosmos, I haven't really picked it up since I am too often looking for good omens. So you and me, we ought to get together!!!


Well, I wouldn't call myself psychic like that. Sometimes I dream about things that are going to happen, but not explicitly, I anticipate emotional situations but the dream story is completely different from reality. Other times I dream things that happened in the past and the dreams explain to me why it happened that way and confirm what I thought all along. I find that hard to believe too, how can I verify it?

Perhaps memries is right - I have a problem with receiving. I'm most comfortable when I give, but memries, you are so spot on (as always), it feels like I've run dry.


Hi Brighteye.

Memries does have a very nice point.

But I think it's often normal to suspect the good news, because that's what we would all like to hear, and it seems like we are just telling ourselves what we want to hear rather than getting a true message. And then, conversely, the more negative seems to have more truth to it, we can assess more objectively.

But maybe the cards are telling you something different than a prediction or describing a situation. I think that is something we are often looking to the cards to do--is what I feel true, what's going to happen, what's in the situation I can't see. All valid uses. But maybe the cards are asking you to think about your situation, to think about what you give and receive, and how you, or anyone, does that, rather than describing the truth of a situation. I suppose I am talking about a meditative sort of experience rather than a divinatory experience. When I have been able to get myself past the need to know and been able to use the cards to satisfy my need to reflect, I have found this approach very helpful and insightful.

And, of course, you are loved, Brighteye.



BrightEye said:
Well, I wouldn't call myself psychic like that.

---stunned silence---...I thought that just happened to everyone, but it was only me who paid attention to it...

Have you tried regression? I've been looking into it, it seems a way not of "verification" but exploring either past events in your life or past lives.



When the cards tell you something, no matter how true it is, if it doesn't correspond with your current view of the world, yourself and your place in it, it is very hard to believe. And you likely won't until your views change.

I found that a lot when I was starting Tarot. My first readings (two years ago) made no sense to me. I thought I had so much to learn and that a lot of them were just outright wrong and inaccurate.

I have always kept all my readings. And I have very much found that six months to a year later, after enough time had passed and life and my life experiences had sufficiently changed me and my point of view, when I read over those first readings, they were absolutely right, 100% so.

Yet at the time I did them they seemed impossible nonsense. I think the thing is sometimes we get stuck in certain mindsets, have blinders on in a way, and the truth is just there to the side, but we can't see it because of the blinders. If you know what I mean.

What that all, this aspect of Tarot, taught me is that there will be times in my life when I think a reading is total garbage and it could be right on. The way I am perceiving things around me, no matter how real it feels, can be biased by certain feelings I am carrying in me, and may not be as accurate as I think.

From seeing readings I thought were way off become perfect in their meanings over time, I learnt a) to have faith that my Tarot answers I get are always right and b) to trust that if I don't see it now, I will come to understand it in time.

There is also the element sometimes too when I read for myself about an emotional issue and all the answers I want come up. Then I start to worry if I am biasing the asnwers, seeing only what I want to. But I have still never known Tarot to not be accurate for me.

As for your question, what to do about it, keep your readings and read them over in time, you will likely see they become accurate. AND when you don't trust the asnwers you are getting, have others do a reading for you on the same topic. Reading exchanges here at AT are great for that. When you see other people getting the same answers that your original listing gave you, them you will have to believe it.

Hope this helps,:grin:



This is going to be a bit of a confession, but sometimes I am still a tad skeptical of the Tarot. This is probably because Tarot is relatively new to me. I haven't had a few decades under my belt like some of you have.

Maybe it's not that I'm skeptical, but that I'm still so amazed by it at times. When I do a reading and it's dead on, I just go "Wow! How did I do that?" Then of course the logical side of my mind rears its head and says, "You know that it could be a coincidence." Well yes, it could be. But it isn't. And I need to just let go, and trust this sort of thing.

No matter how long you've been doing it, you still need to have the ability to let go and trust. I'm sure it gets difficult for all of us at times. Just hang in there, and trust your intuitions. (And I'm going to try my best to take my own advice!)