Sabian Symbols Study Group: Gemini 28 - #88


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: GEMINI
Degree: 28
Number: 88



Ah, now this is something I don't know about, because we don't have "personal bankruptcy" here.

A company can go bankrupt, but not an individual, unless he had a company and was liable to it by his name (this is why we usually create S.A's (société anonyme, a company not liable to the name(s) of (an) individual(s)).

And, while credit cards and debt problems DO exist on an individual level, there is no possibility to escape those responsibilities.

Thus, with this thought, I seems to start to understand the "grant" in the wording.

Although this "blessing" seems to be a two-edged sword.

It might grant the relief from debts you never would be able to get rid of, at the cost of course of your credibility and credit-worthyness, but it also, in my mind, incites certain ruthless people to start all over again - making debts with the thought in the back of their mind that they could in the end get "granted" bankruptcy again and just continue living over their means at the expense of others.

To me it's not fair, neither to the one who had to get there (why is another question, maybe the cafeteria symbol offers us insight here) - because he loses part of his identity, nor to those who have to give up their claims for their dues.

It is not fair because it creates a situation where those who work hard to keep a balance in their financial situations have to pay for those who couldn't. They might decide that they are stupid in doing so and if they succumb to the temptation, create further imbalance, creating an avalanch.

The man has mixed feelings - telling us he has a conscience though.

He's glad his overpowering liabilities are taken from his shoulders, he is bothered and worried about what happens next, but maybe he also starts to think about the fairness of this business. And maybe he is pondering how to manage better next time!

There is hope for him still, and the symbol might tell us we escaped a disaster with relatively few losses and that we get a second chance to do better...


Part of Body: Metacarpal bones

Ah the metacarpal bones are ‘in’ the palm of the hand! Hmmm, there are minor chakras in the fingers as well as in our palm. It is our ability to send as well as receive energy....and money is energy!!!!

When we don't assert ourselves as fully as we could we can take on a live-and-let-live attitude which often backfires on us. This can create problems in regard to our sense of identity of making a living and establishing a secure base for ourselves. To avoid it we need to specialize in something we feel passionate about....if we don't we will suffer the pains of unfulfillment, an emptiness inside that will reflect out into our environment and in our lives.

If we spread ourselves too thin, in too many directions, we're unable to focus long enough to gain the experience or expertise. Instead we find ourselves bouncing from one thing to another without actually completing anything!!!! -

Our journey is to make to the end of a thought.

Ohh I'll have to continue this later.



Simone said:
Ah, now this is something I don't know about, because we don't have "personal bankruptcy" here.

A company can go bankrupt, but not an individual, unless he had a company and was liable to it by his name (this is why we usually create S.A's (société anonyme, a company not liable to the name(s) of (an) individual(s)).

How interesting Simone? Here in Canada, hundreds or probably thousands of individuals go bankrupt daily! And that's not counting the many companies that have been granted these as well.

There are stipulations in place when a person goes bankrupt, I'm not sure of all the details but they can't borrow money from a bank or use a credit card right away.

I think the bottom line here is that they don't have a knowing of what they're supposed to be doing. And then there are others who want the success without going through the necessary steps. On the outside they seem to be all there but not on the inside and of course the outer world is a mirror to our inner world and if it's full of insecurities and self-doubt, that's exactly what they'll get.

Some people just don't have a choice. Certain events and changes occured in their life, throwing them off the track and as hard as they tried, they couldn't fix it. Suddenly they lack structure in their lifes! They work hard, perhaps 2 or 3 jobs a week but it just doesn't pay all the outstanding bills. The more fearful they become, the more the problem escalates!

When we are in debt, big debt, it can feel as if it's squeezing the life right out of us. This is when we need to seek counsel, seek out others for help and if bankruptcy is the only way to go, society and the courts will after great deliberation grant us this.

The mixed emotions is one of elation, 'I'm free of debt' and the other 'where did I go wrong'? Where did I mess up and what can I do differently as I begin again?

Perhaps we are to treat our limitations as challenges and not as immovable barriers. We need to be constantly aware of our limits so that we can expand on them by finding the opportunities that are always hidden within those limitations.

And, perhaps the best lesson here is to spend less than we earn.



Dr Jones Key Word - Key Word Deliverance - recovery or preservation from loss or danger;

Element Nickel (at the moment, I suppose a pun on the american coinage here to some extent)

People I know who have this symbol all were affected by war, they escaped, ran away, were taken in by another country with little more than the clothes they wore, they felt safe, but worked SO HARD, for themselves and their future, more importantly for their childrens future. These people also find it very hard to ask for help on a personal level, but offer help gracefully and in huge doses to others.



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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