Sabian Symbols.. How do you read the Negative Aspect?


In all the Sabian Symbol readings, there is a section for the negative traits. How do you know when to apply those meanings? I usually end up reading that section and feeling confused as to which one to take as my answer. Any insight would be appreciated. :)


Hi Sunflowr :D

This is only my opinion, Im sure others will help too on this ...

Im not sure which book you have (Im sorry I should remember - is it Lyndas?) as The Sabian Symbols in her book have 'Cautions' - which I think is quite apt.

If Im using the book - Sometimes I mix the Keywords up so they include some of the Cautions applicable - not all readings require the cautions to be included - but I think it depends what I feel from the reading - and the 'visual image' I get from the Symbol, sometimes that offers a clue.

If it is a purely intuitive reading - just going off the Symbol and no book - then I try and intuitively connect with the situation and record it down as clearly as I can. Im not sure if anything then is slanted to the positive or negative side, though i usually include some contrasting aspects to define the reading - and sometimes I see the Symbol totally different to the book or to the Cautions - so that has to be taken into consideration too, I guess.

I had an experience today ... I went to the Symbols to ask about making a phone call and how the reciever would take the news - I randomly opened the book and read through both pages (left & right) looking for a clue as to which Symbol it was that was relevant - I read the cautions too...
As I scrolled through the text - a sentance caught my attention (it went something like this ..) "You may feel like you may not want to do this but it is better to approach the situation with confidence and a light heart"... As soon as I saw it I clicked - that explained alot about the situation and how I felt in one sentance .. it was a cautionary note ... but it showed me a positive aspect if I attended to it ... I did and it was fine ... the person recieved the news well :) (Not that it was bad at all, I just wasnt sure what to say on the phone)

What I am trying to reflect here is that a word or a sentence or something will 'grab' you - it will be so obvious (whether we want to see it or not) it will almost reflect back to you the exact words. So sometimes I dont see the 'Cautions' as negative, just something to be aware of about the situation which may change the dynamics of the reading in some way.

Take notice of what 'grabs' you in the text - often if it is in the Caution, the remedy is in the text body of the symbol to change it, and visa versa.

Hope this helps :)

Elven x


Thanks Elven! :) Yes, I did mean to say cautions. I see it as it's more negative aspect, and then sometimes I feel a bit "eh" about something anyway so am naturally more attracted to the caution. So then I am left wondering which one applies to me more? Well, I will take what you said into consideration and see what "grabs" me. Just not always easy because I do tend to think a bit negatively at times.


HI sunflowr, Elven

Well my take on cautions generally the same as sunflowr - I think most of us look to that negative side BEFORE the positive in any reading, look when people talk and e-mail NO always comes before a Oh maybe Oh I see Oh yes!

I DO love how Lynda Hill has in her books a whole lot of information to take some advice from including the quotes - I often just read that to seek the answer...

BUT I'm not a 'reversed tarot card' girl either, I always look for the opportunity now...

Specifically with the 360 sabian symbol images I think that if we were to get a BIG caution we would get BIG sign - like the two people places under arrest, the plane diving toward the earth, the level railway crossing accident, the flag at half mast.. you know there are allot of just challenging symbols out there, I'm SO RELIEVED when they don't turn up.

SO my advice is when you are formulating your question for the oracle be VERY specific if you want to know should I go out with this man please tell me the cautions I need to be aware of - read the cautions, if you want information to LIGHT UP your path, ask for please show me the GOOD aspects of going on this holiday - then read the positive spins.. if needs be draw two cards one for cautions and one for positives - each time till you feel confident this is working for you...

I have been using the symbols - for a long time- and so has my family and quite often even 'we' need a good talking out of all the negative aspects... to truly find the beauty and opportunity in each and every symbol in a balanced way.

What I most love about the symbols is it is up to us to make that final call, to make our own life decisions through assessing - ALL - the detail the symbol provides... I think in any aspect of life we can look down or up.. I feel in more cases than not the symbols are pushing us to look UP



Too true Marina - I agree!

I was thinking after I read the thread again that sometimes its whats left out (Ok that can be very broad because from the one symbol you Do get there are 359 that you didn't get LOL!) but they really pins down the Symbol that showed up.

Its become a habit that a look at the Symbol before and after too, mostly the after Symbol, because I see how that one plays out in some way in the course of the Main Symbol. Sometimes there's a clue there, as to what I can incorporate into the Main Symbol. The Symbol before the Main one can give me insight as to why I got the Main symbol and here is where I take notice of the cautions to see if any of those have contributed to where I am now.

Elven x


Oh yes Elven, I have taken that up too, looking at the symbols either side too.. it always helps.





Just another addition that I thought too was the opposite Symbol - which Lynda (I think) calls the opposing Symbol - its not so much the negative side of your main symbol - but it is a factor which may either contrast or compliment your Main symbol - for example: Capricorn 1 - the opposing symbol is the opposite one on the Zodiac wheel - which is Cancer 1.

Compare the Symbol - Compare the cautions - sometimes this can shed some light - the messages are full of information to take into consideration.

Elven x