Accuracy of tarot decks


Hi. I'm a user of Vargo's beautiful Gothic Tarot deck. I've read for many people and something that strikes me as strange is how the guys I read for would grow so enthusiastic about how accurate the cards are they would rant excitedly about it the whole day, but on the other hand, the girls I read for would appear so confused or look depressed over what the cards told them. How different their reactions are!

I wonder if anyone got reactions like that with other types of decks. What do you personally infer?


I don't have the deck, but looking at the scans inspires a couple of ideas.

Guys may feel that the imagery creates a "cool" gothy boundary between them and their lives/reading, giving more of a feel of some kind of game that they can opt in and out of.

Women might be more sensitive to the darker realities expressed by the imagery, and not perceive the boundary.

I didn't see the whole deck, but if there are lots of images of hot women then that dynamic goes double, but in a different way.

I feel it is worth asking if you yourself are hot! (Whatever that's supposed to mean, but I hope you know what I'm saying) - the universal enthusiasm from your male querants could be an enthusiasm for you, and not the reading :)