Which Crystals Have Healed You the Most?



The more I work with crystals, the more I fall in love. Like all crystal lovers, I find some work more effectively than others. Here's my list of the 3 most powerful crystals that have helped me when I needed them the most. There are others but these 3 are top of the mind for me as really powerful allies:)

1. Rose Quartz - Yes it's the crystal we all start with, and isnt it beautiful? I find wearing my rose quartz bracelet on days when I'm extremely harsh on myself helps me instantly be gentle with my self. I have a RQ ball on my desk which I feel helps me establish a compassionate link between me and my clients during a reading.

2. Black Tourmaline - For years I wore a black tourmaline pendant that helped me during some really dark times and protected me from a few truly hurtful people. As some of you may know, I didnt realise just how powerful

3. Citrine - It is the stone of abundance. After gingerly placing an energised citrine tumble stone on my monitor, I noticed an increase in online orders and queries. I now recommend it to all clients who may be feeling a sense of stagnation commercially.

Looking forward to your experiences


diane drizzy

My favorite and most helpful has been Sodalite.
Folks here suggested it as a calming influence when I was going through stressful times at work. I got myself a palmstone and I can almost go limp when I hold it! Better than any relaxation tapes out there for me.


Good question, easttarot (and great to see you around :))!

So far, I've mainly used stones for my own healing, though I do charge and give stones to loved ones.

Like for you, rose quartz works wonders for me.

Hematite is a long-time grounding favourite. Its very weight makes me feel more solid, when I feel scattered or headachy.

Lapis Lazuli is a stone I like working with for vision work - although I still have a lot to learn from it.

Amethyst has a soothing influence, which no other crystal can match for me.

Moss agate is a new best friend. I am in love with moss agate. When I hold a moss agate palmstone, I feel like I am holding a forest in my hand - mysterious and welcoming: a sacred grove in miniature. It has a power of making me feel instantly outdoors and connected to nature, even when I'm inside and connected to my computer!

Carnelian. It's a lovely, warm, generous stone, which brightens and clarifies things for me. I can literally feel energy fill me when I wear carnelian. Citrine works in a similar, though less sensual fashion.

I recently stopped a coughing bout with adventurine placed on my chest. Amazing!

And of course, I'd get nowhere fast without clear crystal. We find it all over our Alpine mountains. It strengthens other stones and it gives me a good view of things - so it helps healing through a better understanding of what is ailing me.

There are others, but off-hand, these are my primary healing stones.


Malachite is the stone that does it for me. There's just something about that stone that for me can just make things feel right.


Moonstone, Carnelian, Chrysocolla are doing wonders for me right now..

Hematite never fails to help ground me and Amethyst and Smoky Quartz are all-around stress relievers I use all the time.

and I always have my clear Quartz...


Calcite especially green calcite Has been a major Healer for me and mine probably petrified wood for calming and healing and Citrine for energy and will power are two and three
I'm a green stone Junkie s Phylite and Malachite and Dioptaise have also done a lot Rose quartz is one of the most called upon and versitle for me too and I do love Lapis and Kyanite and ..... Three I really cannot just narrow it down to three ,




lovely to be able to share our favourites here like this..
my equal few in no particular order

Moldavite - migrains are GONE!!

Black tourmaline - it FREES my energy some how, releases the burden? anyway I love that

Lavender Quartz - natural OR enhanced - divine...

but I love everyones favourites here and just found myself nodding in agreement with everyones comments



I love putting my Howlite stone under my pillow to help me sleep. The Amethyst on my bedside is also good.

I also love my citrine, such a happy stone!


What a great thread.

My favourites are:

Moss Agate - it does wonders to soothe my throat.

Septarian Nodules - I love these things. They are a mixture of orange calcite, argonite and clay, and they do great things for my third chakra.

Beryl - This is such a beautiful stone. I find it very calming.


Fav. stones

Moonstone; helped me find a nice place within.

Malachite; Opened me up to the wonders of it all (at about age 6 at the museum - what a magnificant piece it was!).

Lapis - helps with 'star travel' and whole connection to the beauty of the night sky ... she's my lover!

? A type of black smokey quartz crystal - powerful connection to the land energies. (I should make a post about how I found this crystal).