Teaching tarot to kids?


Who has kids and teaches them about tarot?

I know that i will be teaching my kids one day!! Gonna give them a deck at an early age and let em following in my foot steps :) make a family business hahahah


Hey there Alpha-Omega!

I have 3 daughters, ages 16, 14 and 12...both the 16 and 14 year old have their own decks (Fey and Gilded accordingly), plus they have access to all of mine.

I started them out by playing imagination games with them. Lay out three cards and they have to make up a story. I've also done things like "Interview" the cards. We make up questions to ask the people in the cards and come up with how they would answer.

Hope this gives you some ideas!


satinangel said:
Hey there Alpha-Omega!

I have 3 daughters, ages 16, 14 and 12...both the 16 and 14 year old have their own decks (Fey and Gilded accordingly), plus they have access to all of mine.

I started them out by playing imagination games with them. Lay out three cards and they have to make up a story. I've also done things like "Interview" the cards. We make up questions to ask the people in the cards and come up with how they would answer.

Hope this gives you some ideas!

Thats so kool! That rellay gets them into it and they are learning with out knowing it. The 16 & 14 should learn how to become a reader, escecily the 16 year old.


hmmm.... I seem to be drawn to your threads....

I just replied to your 'cover-up' thread, and thought about my position as a mother and Tarot.
I have three childern just like satinangel (HI SA!)
Boys 14 & 16 and a girl soon to be 10. The 14 year old has an egyptian deck. His interest in tarot does not suprise me one bit. He's an undeveloped psychic and dreams about the far past. My little girl is very interested and looks through my decks all the time. Until she is more responsible with her belongings, she will have to look at mine. Yet she is the one that I think will be more of a reader than her brother.
As far as teaching them, I have started with the metaphysical basics, such as elements and thier associations; the different ways that psychic abilities show themselves. Other than that, I go with what ever direction that they have an interest in at that moment.


My son is almost 13 and has an Albano-Waite. That was the deck he picked out for his own use a few years ago. He and I were building card castles with the Inner Child deck when he was two - once all the cards were up and the castle then blown down, we'd pick three cards and make up a story about all the characters.



It's kind of hard for my kids not to be exposed to tarot in this house. There are days when they can hardly move from room to room without the risk of stepping on a deck... they're everywhere. ;)

-- Jeannette
The Tarot Garden


I have a nearly 7 year old daughter. She is fascinated by my decks and Tarot reading in general. Though i won't do readings for her because I think kids can be to easily influenced and too likely to take everything they are told for gospel. Well, at least my daughter is. Having said though, I did just buy her the Magical Unicorns deck by Doreen Virtue. Mostly because its perfect for kids. Its hers and hers alone. (Though I admit i have used it a couple of times when she's been at school :D) I think that she can learn alot by doing readings for herself with the Unicorns deck. She can learn alot about what cards can and cannot do.


I have a 7 year old daughter who has enjoyed playing with my cards for years - she likes sorting them into suits.

Last year she got her own deck, The Hanson Roberts and she uses it to make up stories.
She often asks if she can pull a card from one of my decks and I give her a single card reading. She really wants a fairy deck but I'm not sure which one she'd like (she has her eye on my Fey deck and sometimes plays with that).

I have a 15 year old son too but he has no interest in Tarot at all (too busy playing World of Warcraft on-line).


"I did just buy her the Magical Unicorns deck by Doreen Virtue. Mostly because its perfect for kids."

-you really are a faery godmother :). this is such a good deck for kids. its so positive. i asked the oracle what i can do to improve relationship with grandparents, they seem to be really mean to me compared to my other family and i don't know why, anyway i got the card "grandparents" and it was a positive message.


I have a nine year old son and he's always been around my decks - but he's very picky about getting a deck for himself. He'll look through my decks and always something isn't right with it - the colours don't look right or there is nudity on some of the cards - he wants no nudity at all. Or it looks too girlish to him. Every new deck I get he looks through.

He's good at telling stories with them. I think he'd make a good intuitive reader.

I've been a little sneeky with him because I know that if he sees the International Icon he'll want that lol but I'm looking around for something special for him. I thought the Gummy Bear tarot would have suited him but he didn't like it, said it was too babyish for him - so I'm still looking. :)