

I 'm not getting sensible readings. I keep getting the same cards even if I read for different people. Anybody else have this and what did you do ? I usually clean them but just wondered what others did.


what are the cards? i read about your dream as well. let's look at the cards and see if there's a connection.

as to your question, yes, it happens. and i feel the cards might be telling you something urgent.


Hi mingbop,

It may mean you need to put the deck away for a while.

Or the cards repeated could have a significant message. Maybe you might want to post them in Your Readings, and let us know what you think they might be about too.



ok marion ty...but I didnt pay attention to the damn cards, I read for my son, told him, and forgot. Then the daughter asked, I read for her, and got the exact same cards. all 7 of them. And the indians are telling me to dream of flies means trouble ahead. Oh gawd ! lolol....I remember 10 swds was in there though, never forget that one. I have spread that deck out on the windowsill and will give them a wee rest. Using Quest now, see what we get. xxxx ta pet


mingbop said:
I 'm not getting sensible readings. I keep getting the same cards even if I read for different people. Anybody else have this and what did you do ? I usually clean them but just wondered what others did.

My understanding of Tarot is that the right cards always come up, although we as readers can sometimes misinterpret something. I have never doubted that, and it has always been true in my experience. To me that is just the way Tarot works and Tarot does work. If the same 10 cards came up for two people then the answers were the same for both of them. And that's all it is.

It seems to me what you have there is a lack of faith in Tarot. Inho, and I am only trying to help, there is nothing wrong with the cards, but there is a lack of trust in you. You need to beleive in Tarot for it to work for you.



You might want to shuffle better. I shuffle for at lest 20 -30 seconds. And do diffrent types of shuffels to mix the cards well.


ok thanks to you both .


Mingbop, try using a different deck... if the same cards are popping up, it's for you.
But considering it was your son and your daughter, there might be something going on that is affecting all of you as a family.


hi WW.. I put them on the windowsill spread out to clean, and am using my back up Quest. It's just so odd, I hate not being able to read, its like my hand fell off ! lolol


Besides what WalesWoman stated, it could be a fairly urgent personal message that has priority over any other concerns. The cards are known to repeat under those conditions.

Hence, it would be useful to examine the cards in relation to your life first.