Chakra Healing


Today while doing Reiki on all the main chakra points, I decided to add along crystals on the 7 chakra points for an indepth experience. Wow! Not only was it relaxing, I could feel a subtle balancing act taking place energwise internally.

Heres what I used

To ground myself I began with Rainbow Obsidian.

Root - Red Jasper
Sacral - Carnelian
Solar Plexus _ Citrin
Heart - Green Aventurine
Throat - Turquoise
3rd Eye - Lapis Lazuli
Crown - Amethyst

I found the Red Jasper and the Lapiz Lazuli to be most effective - possibly to unblock the root and the third eye.

Anyone work with chakra healing? Any tips for newbies like me. I've been practicing Reiki for years now but with crystals its a totally different experience to combine the 2.

looking forward to your experiences n tips


Briar Rose

crystal healing

A metaphysican, Don Hayes showed me this:

The person sits on the floor, cross legged (if that's possible).
You place;

7 amethyst crystals in a circle around the person.

Stand behind them with another amethyst crystal in your hand and make a counterclock wise movement several times around the person, and then do it clockwise.

This balances the chakras, and the energy. I find this powerful. I would like to try it by smudging first and a short meditation. That would be ideal.

if you try it please let me know.


Hi there,

I usually do what you did, place the corresponding stones on my chakras and relax:)) But I recently tried adding clear quartz points in between the colored stones for the chakras to really clear and get the energy moving bewteen them...WOW!

Briar Rose


Thank you for the tips on the points between the stones. I used points when balancing chakras over my body, but never thought about putting them between the stones when laying them out on the body. You have an excellent way of working with crystals. Thank you, Aurora


Wonderful tips:) I may try out the amethyst idea soon and will let u know how it goes:)
Clear Quartz is an excellent balancer. I only have a bunch of clear quartz beads...hmmm time to go for some shopping
