When they want "combo" readings...


...speaking of the McReadings!! :p

Someone took my reading from eBay (to give eBay credit, that is 3 out of 3 I have listed in the past month) & when I said, "Let me know what your question is," she replied with one of those, "I don't have a question but please look into my love&worklife" answers. To me, that is 2 seperate readings. Anybody else out there agree with me? & should I specify such in my listing?


I definitely would write back to the person to explain that what they're asking for is comprised of two separate topics. I've already worked with an email client to narrow their mixed request down to one topic. In my experience, people are OK with that.


...perhaps their lovelife is centered around work?

Do the reading first THEN see how it turns out...and let them be the judge. What seems like chaos to you may make sense to them.


I find that very often, people who want readings like that are wanting to cram everything they want to know into one reading to get the most for the money. On the other hand, being vague that way can just mean they haven't decided exactly what it is they really want to know. I'd pick the love reading and go with it first, since that's probably what they really want to know about, and once done with that, if they still want to know about work, just tell them that's another reading. But on Kasamba, if you're doing live chat, they're paying for the extra time if they want to go into the work reading after the love reading, so you can't really lose, can you? You'll be making more money. I'd definitely split it into two readings, though.


Oh yeah, on Kasamba, much easier. Not so much so for eBay, which this was. I think that I will add a little passage specifying that they narrow it to 1 subject per reading; seems reasonable! :D

Oh - & as far as this person's reading went: As it happens, it seems that their love-life DOES "center around their work-life" - it came out in the 1 reading I did, pretty much! So, I threw in a mash of both, but honestly, I would FAR rather read on 1 subject at a time from now on!! :p The potential for confusion being rather too great... ;)


I read almost completely face to face, doing timed readings. If some one wants a combo reading, I'm willing, providing they're willing to budget enough time for it. I can rocket through one subject in 10 minutes if I need to--(once over lightly!) so a combo reading (I figure) is 10 minutes per subject, minimum. When I'm not rushing, one subject in some depth takes 15 -20 minutes. most of my readings are about 30 minutes, and we look at more than one thing.
I ask how long they want to go, what the subjects are, and for them to rank them in order of importance. I feel like it would be a real waste of both our time not to be very clear and firm about this. I can't do 2+ subjects in 15 minutes, and I don't even try.

So no, I don't consider it 2 readings--they're paying for the time, and I'll do as many spreads and subjects as they want, in that time-period. I do a lot of hour-long multi-subject readings, as well as little shorties. It is interesting, though, how often the 2 subjects are actually connected....maybe they know something we don't?


To me, as an internet reader, 1 spread = 1 reading. If I do more than 1 - & no, they don't take long, usually in the neighborhood of 10 minutes or so - then well & good, but it's really dependent upon the "live" factor. From eBay, which is e-mailed, I have to make the distinction because I get so pathetically little for my efforts. No, I will NOT do more than 1 reading for 4.99. (More than 1 spread, that is to say.) Online for Kasamba, with live chat, I often do more than 1 - but my time is being paid in that instance. In person - VERY rare for me! - I have done (recently) more than 1 spread to fill up a reading enough to have them get enough out of it. There was more than 1 question involved. (This was a free b-day gift, btw - no money was exchanged, nor was it "timed" per se.)

Having said that, I just want to reiterate that it's mainly the time involved, & the effort, in doing combinations of things that I think I want to divide & have seperate "readings" - i.e. spreads - for each thing. At these prices, they can AFFORD to buy 2 of my humble offerings!! ;)


Hi Danubhe :)
I find that many times there are different sub-readings within a single reading anyway. I also specify that what comes out in the spread will be the information which comes through from Source, regardless of the question. If somebody asks about relationship, and employment comes up, to me this means that Source feels this area of the questioner's life may need more specific focus, etc. But many times, I'll get several sub readings within a single spread. This tends to occur when the events are closely related. I just did a reading for someone concerning a move to a different region of the country, and family related issues came up as well. The client confirmed the inter-relatedness of the issues. 2 in 1!
Hope this helped, and didn't confuse you more :p!


Oh, I get what you mean. Happens to me, too, alla time. BUT: I find that when I am gearing up for a reading, my spreads have specific things to say in their positions, & having a particular thing to focus on at 1st is infinitely helpful to me. :)


danubhe said:
...speaking of the McReadings!! :p

Someone took my reading from eBay (to give eBay credit, that is 3 out of 3 I have listed in the past month) & when I said, "Let me know what your question is," she replied with one of those, "I don't have a question but please look into my love&worklife" answers. To me, that is 2 seperate readings. Anybody else out there agree with me? & should I specify such in my listing?

Yes, that is TWO questions or rather TWO Very Large Areas. :) And yes, specify it in your listing exactly what they will get -- especially if you are not charging full rate.

For your own sanity (and I mean that with respect) I would focus on one area and if work comes into play then you know how to tie it in but only if it comes into play.