Which do you prefer interpreting numbers in tarot?


Hi, I was wondering what peoples thoughts are regarding interpreting numbers in tarot readings. My question is do you prefer using kabbalah's number system with the sephiroths or do you prefer using tarots majors numbers? Just trying to see whats the most effective, cause both work. I want to stick to one method though, otherwise it gets confusing. Any comments welcome. Thanks.



SerpentaAzothi said:
Just trying to see whats the most effective, cause both work. Serpenta
If both work for you Serpenta, then I think you are the best judge of which one is most effective. Personally, I look for trends in numbers when I'm doing a reading but I don't really think of a system but I guess I'm probably using the Majors more than Kaballah.



Never having been one to study much about Tarot techniques, I tend to refer numbers back to the Majors...e.g.if there are 5 flowers in the image, it refers back to the Hierophant and that is part of the message...(I tend to read by analysing the images/symbolism, and how many times a symbol occurs is usually part of the message).



Thanks guys for your comments, I am just so undecided lol. I will test and see, thanks.



Hi SerpentaAzothi,

There are loads of different numerological systems you can use.

I use numerology a lot in my readings, especially when I'm using a deck with non-pictoral minors (my preferred type of deck). I've never used Kabbalah -don't know anything about it and it doesn't really interest me that much so I doubt I'll learn.
I do relate the minors to the corresponing Major but I use other meanings for the numbers too.

Have you taken a look at the numerology threads over in the Divination forum? Very useful: http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=11533

There are also the 'How may it be read?' threads over in the Marseilles forum: http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=31857

Take a look at Elf's first post in this thread - http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=49243 there is some very good info. on numerology in there.


Hi SerpentaAzothi-

While I do incorporate number symbolism into my readings, I do not use any specific system for analysis. I like to keep my readings as organic and flexible as possible.

For example, in a reading I did recently I drew the 5/Pents (RWS), followed by the 7/Swords. There are five pentacles in the window on the 5 card and 2 people. The guy in the 7 card is carrying off five swords and leaving two.



I sometimes notice if there are several of the same numbers in a reading, but I keep things simple. I figure if the Heirophant (or whatever major) were going to be pertinent, that actual card would show up.


Guys thanks so much for your input. I will check them out. :)
