Why a depressed person oftenly gets bad cards& an euphoric person good ones?



I have observed a fact, from my experience and from the experience of other friends: when you are depressed and ask to Tarot for future, you oftenly get cards as the devil, the devil, the ten of swords etc; while when you are happy, and/or euphoric, cards coming uo are the sun, the star, the world etc

Why? Which is, then, reality?


I think this is because we shape our own reality by the way we think about things. Depressed people have negative views about themselves, the world and their future and that shapes their lives. There is no such thing as reality, only the way we view things. Negative thoughts shape negative futures, in my opinion.


I agree with silver_rain.

You are not what you think you are, you are what you think (i don't know who said that).

Basicly, you create your own reality with your thoughts. You are god, you are absolute. And if you think you don't deserve something, you won't get it. First you have to believe, before you can see.

Tarot shows (among other things), what you will get, if you stay on your path, so if you think negative (if you make a spread about your future, and you're thinking, i know it will be bad, i just know it), tarot will show that to you. How do you suppose to have a bright future with negative mind?

It's hard for me to put all of these ideas in english, but i hope you undestand... It's all in your mind

Carpe diem!!!


Actually, I think it's a bit different than the people above me said. Lolita and Silver_Rain answered that the reason you get negative cards such as the devil is becuase your mindset is more negative. However, I believe the purpose of tarot cards is not to show us "our reality" - in my opinion, their purpose is to show us *the* reality. To give us warnings, and show us how things are...usually from a more objective or round viewpoint than we can take for ourselves, which is why they can be so helpful.

Why, then, do the cards say negative things if you are depressed, and positive things when you are happy?

I think it's that...as a depressed person, you are more likely to give into temptations, more likely to shy away from taking opportunities, less likely to put in a lot of effort to achieve your goals, etc...
Depression can cause people to stop going outside, stop seeing their friends, stop showing up to work, start doing drugs, and a whole array of things. Even just sleeping all the time can seriously interfere with your life. That right there explains the devil , the 9 of swords, the 8 of swords, or other negative cards you might be thinking of.

Meanwhile, when people are in a state of euphoria, they are more likely to be confident about what they can achieve, more likely to be going out and seizing opportunities, etc. The cards would, of course, reflect this.

Therefore, the cards are not showing us a reflection of our mindset by showing us "happy" or "sad" cards. Instead, they are showing us how our mindset affects our goals. If we are depressed, they show us cards that relate to depression and failure becuase while depressed, you may be setting yourself up for failure. That doesn't mean you *will* fail, or that the cards are only reflecting your thoughts, and it definately doesn't mean that the cards think you're as worthless as you feel.
...It's more that they're showing us, as Lolita said, what will happen if we continue down whatever paths we are going down OR what will happen if we give into temptations that lead us away from the path we are going down (like, if, let's say, you are trying to get a job, but you are depressed and there is a chance you could give into temptation and go back to a former drug habit, the cards might show you the devil as a warning that if you give into the drugs, you won't find/get the job you want).

I'm not sure if I'm making complete sense.

Anyway, I don't know what your experiences have been with this, Alexev, but I for one, have been through states of both euphoria and periods of depression with my tarot cards. Often enough, they would tell me, very truthfully, all of the problems I was setting up for myself, and the likelihood of failure becuase of them, during my depressive periods. However, my depression never stopped the cards from telling things like "You have lots of potential, and you ware wasting it all!" or things like that. They often pointed out my strengths as well as my weaknesses.
In my happier states of mind, when I was being more productive, the cards stopped telling me I was wasting my potential and started telling me that I was on the right track and I should keep doing what I was doing.




alexev said:

I have observed a fact, from my experience and from the experience of other friends: when you are depressed and ask to Tarot for future, you oftenly get cards as the devil, the devil, the ten of swords etc; while when you are happy, and/or euphoric, cards coming uo are the sun, the star, the world etc

Why? Which is, then, reality?

Both are accurate. Tarot only predicts the future AS it will happen if nothing changes from the time of the reading until the time that the future events take place. The future it predicts is not set in stone. WE create our futures, through our own actions, our actions stem from our thoughs and ways of thinking.

Someone who is depressed and does not trust life to give them good things will not take the same risks and chances someone who is more optimistic might take. If they are in a rut they will tend to stay there. Someone who believes in themselves and in life will act in a way that helps them create a more optimistic future.

You create your future. And you create it acording to what you consider to be possible. I.e. I had a friend once who stayed in a horrible marriage endlessly. Why, because she was depressed and thought all men were the same....why leave one man for another when the new one would just turn out the same. Her depression created her a depressing future.

Had she had more faith in men and life, she might have left, found a new man, and trusted him enough to see the good in him...and found an extremely happy relationship and future.

So if we're depressed (until and unless we snap out of it), we are en route to creating more the same in the future. If we are happy and optimisitic, we attract good things into our life naturally, people are drawn to us, we take more chances , learn and grow from them....and the future we create will be much brighter...And yep, the cards will reflect that. They will tell you what you are creating in your life.

The good news is, imho, that if you start to get depressing cards about your future, Tarot is the ultimate tool to help. You can do more readings and ask: Why are the cards I am getting about my future so negative? What can I do to see things in a way that does not create negativity in my future? ..... adn then you can take the advice and change things.

Whatever you want to ask and understand, you have in your hands a great tool to find out the truth and change your life.



I won't argue with what anyone has said so far, I do think that how we read the cards has to do with our attitude and outlook,and how it shapes our perceptions. Or maybe the reverse, our perceptions shape our attitudes and outlook, so colors what happens.

If I drew the Tower right now, I might become quite euphoric, thinking that I'm going to have a real good time and to hell with the consequences... of which I can think of none, other than a day or evening spent with my old man will beat the heck out of catching up on piles laundry, towering dishes and housework. They won't go anywhere and aren't that important in the scheme of things... unless they draw flies or crash on the floor. So if the 7 Swords showed up, I would be sure that it's a good thing, sneaking away from the stuff I don't want to deal with, in order to enjoy some good R&R after unavoidable separations (combo of 3 &4 Swords), instead of wondering what that sneaky s.o.b. is up to when he's out fishing. And the 7 Swords would probably also refer to what they do at the end of the day, drink beers, swap fishing stories and other lies. :D

A year or two ago, it might have sent me into a deep dark depression, sure that my world was going to crumble around my ears, because my world had already been shaken up and I was expecting the other shoe to drop, or that he might be fishing for something other than salmon. It was my lack of confidence in me... he hasn't changed and never was untrustworthy... I simply didn't believe or have faith in myself and my worth. I kept feeling angry, disatisfied and becoming depressed by it, then I realized that my expectations were idealized rather than realistic, so once I accepted things as they were... life suddenly got better. The wierd part was that the things I thought I wanted, started to happen without me trying to make them happen.

It's all about expectations and fears, self esteem and confidence... same cards... meanings that manifest in ways that are worlds apart.

So in that way we do create our realities and our future based on what we expect... you always find what you are looking for... it all depends on how you choose to look at everything and what you do about it.