How do i interpret cards for other people


I heard that you can interpret cards for others without knowing their question. Meaning that I just relate to them the feelings and thoughts I'm getting from the cards maybe? But even if i do know their question I do not know the whole situation that their question is about, how do I interpret in relation to them? When i read for them isnt it just a reflection of my part in the situation? How does this work for my interpretation to be from their perspective? Thanks


It takes time and practise, but learn to trust your intuition more. Just say what you think the cards are trying to tell you.

Here's a story. A friend asked me to read for him. I asked him what he wanted to know, and he said "taco". I just laughed and did a reading for him. I just said whatever came to my mind that I thought the tarot cards were trying to say. When I was finished, my friend said "Damn!" It turns out he was trying to prove that the tarot didn't work, but instead I gave him an acurate talk about him thinking about going over seas to meet up a with a girl he knew in high school. It was something that I didn't know about, but the cards some how pinned down the situation...

I guess, don't worry about being 'wrong'. I am always surprised when I do a reading and the person turns to me and says 'wow, that is so true.' And it happens all the time. So just trust and see what happens...


Ditto. And sometimes, the cards, particularly playing cards, are good a this, zeroing in on not what you want to know, but what you need to know.

I was doing a real estate reading for a friend at work, and instead of giving me info on that, there was a warning not for her to leave her child in the care of friends, but family, that weekend. The child was nearly hit by a car that weekend...
