A quartz crystal message


Hi, this past sunday I have this crystal that that night I was laying down trying to fall asleep, my crystals energy just popped in as a message saying turn of your computer tomorrow your power will go out, i naturally didnt believe it, so the next day not seeing any sign of that happening, i turned back on my computer and within 3 minutes it crashed cause of the power going off. This is quite unusual where I live for that to happen. I should have believed the crystal next time I will. SO basically was wondering if anyone ever gets messages from crystals that come true?

Want to share?


Briar Rose

What kind of crystal was that? Do you do any meditation with it/them?


Hi HeavensVault, it was a clear quartz crystal, and I just got it a day before that happened. I havent done any meditations so this is what makes it so strange. Sometimes this happens but its a rarity. Thanks for your interest,



perhaps the crystal was acting as a bridge between you and your spirit guide?

or even your higher self?


Hi, sorry so late, yes that makes sense chrisam, thanks for the insight. :)
