Tarot to Playing Cards?


Hello, all...

Has anyone who reads tarot ever switched to reading with playing cards?? I started learning tarot several years ago and it sorta eschewed into a whole new way of life for me... I love tarot dearly, but back in February I had several dreams where I read with playing cards... I started working with them and completely fell in love... I've just sorta made up my own system... though I still use tarot occasionally, there is something very special about working with a plain 'ol deck of playing cards... It's difficult to explain, like I was meant to work with playing cards all along... just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience??



Yes! I have read playing cards, in fact there are a few threads on the forum that use the Hedgewitchery (I probably spelled that wrong) method of reading cards. It really enhanced and strengthened my Tarot readings because I became more aware of the part that numerology plays in readings. I also learned that I don't "need" a Tarot deck to do readings, I could learn to read with anything.

I feel that playing cards are amazingly frank in a reading. I think kilts_knave or LittleBuddha put it best...Tarot is talking civily with a good friend...playing cards are like getting a gut-punch.

I just recently got a book on a Chinese method of reading with playing cards which I plan on exploring and comparing with the Hedgewitchery method. It's really facinating!

valeria :D

Phoenix Rising

Kia ORa Joey

Well you know how I feel about our lovely deck of cards...I did work with the tarot for a little while there....but like you, I do like the frankness of our PC's..Tarot is very deep of course..and you never stop learning.

I also like the discreteness of playing cards when in plain sight..you don't get so much ""OOH"" that Tarot can attract. People think you're playing solitaire. Also, you can pick up a deck of cards anywhere for a couple of dollars. The deck never changes..I read an article by "Richmond Olney" The deck of cards was developed and within it's design a mystic imprint was left..and that one should not read for divination purposes with any cards that has been changed from the original design..cards that have the courts as celebrities and such...mini cards or jumbo too for that matter. He also quoted that throughout the manufacture of those other cards, they have not stayed long within the market...Not only that..the cards were once used as "Tax revenue" in the late 1700's

The symbol of the Ace of spades is also significant...even alot of card Manufacturers don't understand it's symbol. It is the symbol of the "Order of the Magi" an ancient secret society said to have come out of Atlantis. Companies always place there logos within the Ace of Spade it means "Hidden Knowledge" to them.

It may interest you to read a little about it's deeper roots..I did look at it...but it's quite indepth...I'm only interested at this stage in the "mundane" side to the cards, the everyday stuff. And people want to hear the mundane, more than the "esoteric"

The beauty about PC's also is that if you look at all the different methods and interpretations..yours..mine..Hedgewytchery..PP...Lenormand..etc etc...The meanings work for each of us, what we have assigned to it. Therefore we are the ones in control of it's meanings....whereas Tarot...the interpretations seemed to be fixed to some degree....How many different decks of Tarot? hundreds to over a thousand....and I must say, there are many beautiful works of Art!! I guess you could say that there are some unique creations for tarot....but they still have the base foundations for it's interpretations. We can assign whatever we want to our PC's!! But the design will remain the same.

Not only that...Our deck of cards are a perfect reflection of our "Solar/lunar calendar" and seasons..13:4:52/7...significant numbers!! I could go on and on about this...here are some links that you may like, just to get a history of them...and it's not like all the other traditional stuff you hear..The gypsys from Romany bought the cards out of Egypt..blah blah.

Oracle Cards
7 thunders

By the way..you should come and try out some of the cartomancy exercises

Every 7th card
Cartomancy Give and Take
Describe Me


Ya know... I don't find that the playing cards are too frank... I just find them very clear... when I work with them I get a much clearer idea of what's going on... I also find my intuition works very well with them as there is a lack of visual information to process... there's just something about playing cards... I love reading with them...



for me i dont want that my tarot ever to become a playing card. id rather buy a playing card than risk my tarot to PLAY itself on me