Do you have a favorite suit in the minors?


I do, and to my surprise, it's the Swords.

Maybe it's because I am drawn to the intellectual and methods of communication, and am so aware that words can be tools or weapons. Often, I find that if I don't like the way the Swords are depicted in a deck, I either can't get interested enough to get the deck or lose interest in the deck if I already have it.


I also like the swords ... I work a lot with air, intellect, and intellect becoming action.

And I just have a general fondness for sword-shaped things. Like swords. ;)

Sofia Philo

Wands for sure. I'm a highly passionate person... all fire, creativity, energy and action.


Good question!

Very interesting question, Sharpchick. I've been thinking about this since you first posted it.

I suppose my Capricorn nature puts a great deal of trust in the Pentacles, the VI of Pentacles being my special "grace" card, but I have to admit when I see a few Wands in my readings my juices flow a little faster. My "good and trusted messenger" is the Page of Wands, the "bass-player" in the RWS. (OK, its a "stick" bass, but that pose is unmistakable!)
The Thoth Princess of Wands is one of my most powerful symbols. The Thoth Ace and Princess of Cups may be of the two most beautiful Tarot cards ever.
I can be a Knight of Swords, too, so the old "catechism" that characterizes the Swords with some bad press is just that. Without thought and words, we are just bi-ped plants. :cool4:
So it's Wands - for the kid bass-player.



hmmm, mine depends on my mood! And on the deck.

One I can think of right now is the Wands from the Atlantis.

The Swords from the Gnomes.

The Pents from the Winged Spirit.

The cups? hm, I think I don't like those lol (interesting, eh?)


On a moderating note, I'll move this thread to the Talking Tarot Forum ;)



Swords or Cups, depending on what mood I'm in.

I'm a very airy, watery type so no surprises there.


Cups or Wands I'm in a very Cuppy mood...

I know it's wrong but I'm not very fond of Swords (except the 6). I know I should focus on the qualities of the suit, but I get all wrapped up in the RWS images. They're all so grey and depressing. I will come to terms with it one of these days. Also, swords are sharp and dangerous and they make me think of violence.



for me, it's either wands or cups. I am drawn to both fire and water, and I like to think I'm a fairly creative and passionate person.


Love love LOVE my Cups!


I like the cups too. Swords and wands are ok and pentacles are the ones I relate to the least. Then again, I find I connect to the individual cards more and more so maybe I can learn to love the whole suit eventually.