General Crystal Questions


*I would like to know what crystals are best to put up a barrier or shield for a room. I am moving into a dorm room and I am bringing an item sought by many negative things and I need to protect it and myself. I know there is a crystal that protects travelers, and while driving with this item, I am using a circle of hemitite to form a reflective barrier.

*I am also wondering, for someone who loves the elements, especially water, what stones would help to amplify my power with water.

*In general, for my room, I also would like to set up the 4 elements in my room. I just don't know which direction to put them all.

Earth Fire Wind Water with North South East West. I am getting respective stones that belong to each element, as well as including those elements in my room (Except for fire, the sun and fire-themed crystals and stones will have to do.)

I am a newbie, and I don't have any access to crystal books, so some information on these requests would be awsome. You don't need to answer all of them if you only know 1 thing, that would be cool. Also, any suggestions on other crystals would be cool.


> *I would like to know what crystals are best to put up a barrier or shield for a room.

There is no single best stone but Obsidian, Hematite , Stibnite, black Tormeline are possibilities. Golden stones such as Natural Citrine , Oregon Sunstone ,Topaz, Golden Calcite,Amber and Yellow Jasper also might provide protective positive energies of grounding and protection and clarity for the particular situation. Clear Quartz crystals with single terminations are very helpful for gridding a room and are the basic starting point for crystal work in general

> *I am also wondering, for someone who loves the elements, especially water, what stones would help to amplify my power with water.

There are many water stones Aquamarine, Chrysocolla, Aragonite, Girasol, shells and fossil shels and coral , Tumbled river stones in particular step forward as some that might enhance your comunnion with the water element

> *In general, for my room, I also would like to set up the 4 elements in my room. I just don't know which direction to put them all.

There are several different sets of corespondences for directions and elements with some differences but one Common one is Air in the East , Fire in the South, Water in the West and Earth in the North
Volcanic stones support the Fire element Fire Agate is also a favorite and Carnelion also is widely available.


I used to have a small clear cyrstal point on every windowsill, with the point facing outwards, as a protection to return any negative energy seeking entrance. In you dorm room you could put one in each corner, one on the window, and one facing the door. You should cleanse these once a month to recharge them.

I also have a 5-inch crystal point with a flat bottom on a lighted base 24/7; It is both nightlight and reassurance.


Okay, here is a list of what I have. I picked up ten new crystals at a magic shop today.

Hemitite (Black and Silver)
Rose Quartz
Lapis Lazuli
Fool's Gold
Gold Tiger's Eye
Clear Quartz Crystal


I want to my my crystals powerful, with lots of energy, in preparation to empower a magical item that is in really sad shape energy-wise (It was promised energy and 3 times it was taken away from it, so now it is like a vacume for it, every time I open and touch the item, my hands literally tingle and feel weak. I foresaw I would use crystals to heal and recharge the book. I need to know...

A) How do I charge crystals? (Sun, Moon, Nature? (Like do I put some in water, or near fire...)

B) Which ones are chargable (If any) by sunlight, and which by moonlight.

C) Do I need to balance the times in the sun and the moon, and furthermore, are there any that are ONLY meant for the sun and moon?

I am sorry for all of the questions. I am very new to this.


If I might add a general crystal question to thread?

I am proof-reading a manuscript for a friend in which she indicated that a crystal ball originally came from China over 1000 years ago.

Crystal balls are a subject I know nothing about except they are extremely beautiful in the catalogs :)
I'm thinking crystal ball divination hasn't been around that long?
Would the Chinese, clever tho they are, have been able to make a crystal ball 1000 years ago from a raw crystal?
Where do balls come from? Are crystals large enough to form into a ball found in China? Where are most crystals found?
Are crystal balls ever made this way?
The info I've found on current balls indicate they are made from ground crystals, formed and then refined/shaped.

Thank you.


Many crystal balls are still shaped into balls from natural crystal there is machinery to do this now.
Making crystal balls by hand was once a difficult & time consuming task.
Probably in the ancient past crystal balls were made from river tumbled crystal or crystal geodes that were somewhat round to start with. Yes, some crystal balls are now made of reconstituted or man made crystal and others are made of lead crystal that is -glass. Yes there is crystal large enough to make crystal balls in China and Crystal balls can be confirmed to have existed in Europe since sometime between 500- 800 AD (CE) and probably existed elsewhere before that.


well! skygreen actually suggested what i would like to suggest too :)