My friend says.......

Tarot Tina

My friend says that if you let someone handle the cards just to see the designs on them but does not want a reading then the cards become tainted and cannot be used again until that person has a reading done. She asked in the local tarot card shop and they said that the cards would have to be buried and blessed to become cleansed again, but would she like to buy another set!!! If this is true then are the cards tainted if we get them out ourselves for what ever reason because they may be 'shuffled' but not for a reading. Hope this makes sense in what I'm trying to say.

Knight of Wands

This is total rubbish lol!!

Don't listen to the shop, they're just trying to get you spend more!

Tarot Tina

That's what I told my friend but she is convinced that the cards are tainted, it worried for a whole week ( I only see her once a week ) and I told her if the cards are worrying her that much as too make her ill with worry that she can't sleep she should not have them.

Knight of Wands

Thats very good advice Tina :)

Tarot is not there to cause us worry or harm.


I have to agree. If she could even believe that, much less worry about it for a week, she should likely find another activity.


There are so many tarot superstitions that they'd probably fill a book. If they were all collected into a book and a person were to try to follow them all, they'd never be able to use the cards at all, I don't think.

They're not tainted. They don't need to be buried. Just tell your friend to use and enjoy her cards.

Incidentally, I'd be willing to bet that a lot of the people passing on these tarot myths and superstitions don't even read the cards.

Tarot Tina

Too true!


Tarot Tina said:
My friend says that if you let someone handle the cards just to see the designs on them but does not want a reading then the cards become tainted and cannot be used again until that person has a reading done.

Did she say why they can't be used again? I constantly let people look at my cards - in fact, when I get a new deck one of the first things I do is show it to my friends. And then I use them to read for other people - and I don't have complete mental blocks stopping me from reading . . . and I don't come up with readings that are completely inaccurate . . . and the cards don't disintegrate in my hands. So, all in all, I'd say my cards, at least, are perfectly capable of being used after they've been handled. And I don't think that burying them would do them any good at all! Sounds like the shop is on to a win-win scheme - bury the cards and ruin them so you have to buy another deck or don't bury the cards and you can't use them so you have to buy another deck!


I had a friend that said that if you bought a deck of Tarot (as opposed to getting it as a gift) and then let somebody touch it, and that if they laughed while touching it, that something bad would happen.

Well he did those things.

And a class V Demon came out of his nose and ripped his face off.

It was really cool looking.

Somebody later said it was Guinness that came out his nose, but I know that Guinness is good for you so that wouldn’t happen…

(no part of this post should be taken seriously - except that watching someone spew Guinness out their nose is really evil funny)