when A ask a question about B, the answer is specifically to A or B?


The situation is a little hard to discribe.
A has a roommate named B. And recently, B announced she will leave. But A don't want B to leave, 'cause she can't afford the rent herself. So A come to me to ask if B will really leave finally. The answer is Wheel of Fortune reversed.
I discuss the case with my friends. Some of them say B will go, because Wheel of Fortune reversed means a little bad to the querent. While others think the card is specifically towards the subject of the question, so B will be unable to go.
I'm very confusing of it... Generally speaking, a spread is specifically to the querent or the one in the question?


It is very important to be clear in your mind what the question is before you throw the cards. In this case the question was: "to ask if B will really leave finally." So that is the question, it is about B. Not the effect on A.

Since the Wheel is reversed, it means either that B won't or there will be a delay. I would guess the latter, the proposed move-out will be delayed a bit.