Is Future written?


If we ask for future to a tarot reader, about lets say ' Should I invest my money now' ?, and the cards say' yes, is a good moment', or 'No, don´t try it now' , Then is future, at least at certaint point, written? Thanks



That moment is the present- it's not the future... If you look at the way things in life work its' cause and consequence. You can track how things will turn out based on there current circumstances. It doesn't mean things won't go off track unpredictably and turn out differently, but if things have been consistent to date then it's likely things will follow a set path.

Just my 2 cents :)


Janey xx


Yes & No

Yes--insofar that based on a trend up to the present, the market results for a particular type of product or investment has shown growth or positive results.

Generally, there can be multiple possibilities; however, a more likely possibility or potential usually based on past history *if no drastic changes occur*.

No--because of chance events, real life intrusions (such as loss of income) or other changes that could affect the final result.

The above could apply to most any area of the life.


In addition

Some things apparently set & based on the law of cause & effect. At some point, no turning back as whatever set in motion by past actions, thoughts, etc must run its course & complete.

In doing a reading on any matter, that matter viewable *according to the parameters already in effect*. Hence, representative of a photograph at that moment in time. If an outcome included, it in turn represents an isolated potential from a number of possibilities & based on those existing parameters.

Due to the finite characteristics of the human linear existance of which time & space two main features & govern same, difficult to perceive all things as *now*. Or that time & space as we know them do not exist but necessary as part of the human features & serve as points of reference.

Foreseeing or "far sight" possible with the cards. & sometimes regardless of whether or not an expressed intent.


I would say,

that for such an important question of "should i invest my money now" one shouldnt' rely on yes or no.
but look deeper at the possiblities.
perhaps a question like "if i invested my money in x,, what possibly could happen"
and you would have a fuller picture using the old celtic (which is what i would use) to give you a fuller picture.
it may not be as cut or dry as yes or no.
but at least you would know more about it like for example if it will do well at first but after six weeks or six months you may have to sell it.
or it will do badly at first but will pick up well in a year.. you may want to wiat a year therefore.

a no answer would make you think heck then i can never invest in such and such.
but in a year time if you asked the question it could be HECK YES NOW IS THE TIME.


I think that at times the whole question of forseeing the future is a bit redundant, or superfluous. There have been, obviously a number of times that I have been asked questions about the future and I have answered to the best of my ability but made sure to warn the querent that the future is not written in stone and that it can always change, and that in any case I cannot be sure that I really and fully understand the present and future situation, and cannot see all end, since I am only human, etc.

I believe that Tarot, more than it gives us answers, it offers us questions from another point of view. Or perhaps it gives us the answers, and we have to find the questions. I any case I do not belive the future is written in stone, unless you go at it from a deterministic point of view (in which case the reading would be useless anyway), but you should be very careful of the things that you forsee, since you can never be one hundred per cent sure of what you seeing, and the effects your words may have on a querent.

Especially in things like financial matters, health matters and other "dire" issues like that.


closrapexa said:
... but you should be very careful of the things that you forsee, since you can never be one hundred per cent sure of what you seeing, and the effects your words may have on a querent.

Especially in things like financial matters, health matters and other "dire" issues like that.
This is the main reason why I shudder at the thought of reading for other people. Being new to tarot reading, I also am very careful about what I ask about because answers can sometime be something we don't really want to hear. The only thing that sooths my mind is the idea that a negative outcome can be avoided by changing one's course of action. Still, misinterpreting the cards seems to me a pretty easy-to-do thing that can be very upsetting.

zach bender

I think it would be a mistake to ever, ever read the cards as predicting a future outcome. What the cards do is describe where the querent is now, from a perspective outside the one she is in. In your example, this might tell your querent whether her thinking about this investment is well grounded (but again, not in terms of the investment itself, but her thinking about it).



I view future 'predictions' somewhat like predicting the weather. Sure, the weather people can be fairly accurate about tomorrow's weather, and even the day after next...but the farther out they try to predict, the more inaccurate the forecasts become. I think tarot is similar in that it looks at the current situation or atmosphere, and then makes an 'educated guess' on what's coming up, assuming that the situation and energies surrounding it, remain the same. But the more time that passes between the moment of the reading, to the things the cards describes for down the road, the more other variables can have their influence, and change the outcomes.


The Hanged Man

Is Future written?

It is and it isn't, it depends where you place yourself between unalterable fate and potential destiny. It all depends on freewill, and not freewhim, as freewill is so very often misunderstood to be.