some Q's @ repeated cards and a reading


hey! i'm pretty new in these parts although i've read extensively for the week before my account was approved!

i'm learning tarot with the gilded deck, and doing readings mostly for myself (a few for other people as practice) and so far it's going great - i need to spend more time doing exercises (like the book i have, 21 ways to read a tarot card) but i'm enjoying it.

mostly i've been doing smaller spreads but in last night's celtic cross i had several cards come up that are repeated from readings in the past week!! I expect that this means to pay extra attention to them?

also, last night's reading was centered around a friendship gone awry - and it was very interesting in that almost all the minors were pentacles! it makes sense, because i have money issues, and during the time of this friendship, made poor choices and just worried about living in the moment, and she was a bad influence in that regard. (not that i'm much better now that we barely talk... but, i definitely was drawn in to thinking "well if she has debt too, and she's buying this, so can i" if you know what i mean) so, most of the present/future cards were more about money than our friendship!

the final outcome card was the tower reversed. I'm having trouble interpreting that one, and whether it applies more to the friendship or the money situation... since the spread kind of went off on that tangent.

(if this is the wrong place to ask please let me know! i may post the whole reading in the tarot readings thread, but i don't have my journal with me at work, and didn't want to post there without having the whole spread.)

anyway - thanks for any advice you can give!


Hang man rx, has meant for me being in a situation i could easily get out of.


Hi hennafairy,

You threw quite a bit into one post. :)

If you want to know about a specific reading, please post it in the Your Readings forum with your own interpretation attached. You can note that you are only interested in the one card, but the rest will give other readers context.

co-Moderator of Talking Tarot


thanks marion, i figured that's what i should do, but i don't have my notes with me. and at home tonight i won't have time to post it. I'll try to get it up there!