Male Tarot Readers


From what little I've seen of the boards most of the people here are females, this also fits in with what little I've seen of tarot readers in real life.

So being nosy how many male tarot readers are there on AT, and what drives us men to read tarot and why do more females take up tarot than males?


Boy Meets Tarot

Hello Kenny! I discovered that a bridge had been
established and that unless I then went forward
my movement would have been very deliberately
backwards... and so it was me and Tarot ~yeah!


We've got lots of male tarot readers here. The longer you're around, the more you'll notice them. I think the stereotype has been that of a woman, usually a Gypsy, but that's certainly changing and AT is a good reflection of that.

Welcome to AT, Kenny. :) It's good to add yet another male reader to our mix.


Kenny said:
From what little I've seen of the boards most of the people here are females, this also fits in with what little I've seen of tarot readers in real life.
So in 4 posts you noticed something which took me 4 years or so, I must be getting old :D.

This is eery, I just mentioned me being a minority on another post and stumble across this one :).

So being nosy how many male tarot readers are there on AT, and what drives us men to read tarot and why do more females take up tarot than males?
Well, I'm a male and what drives me.. Interest, intruige and a plain out curiosity I guess. I like the decks I own, some keep managing to really impress me and it simply works for me is all I can say about it.

Still.. I don't really pay that much attention to it even though the difference is quite interesting when it comes to interpreting the cards. With all due respect I do think that a woman will interpret some cards a lot differently than a man. And that is bound to create a much better understanding and experience. Hmm, reminds me of the Druidcraft. Perhaps I should try and get my gf interested enough to do a reading with me...


Actually, every single person on these boards is really a male; we've created female screen names and profiles to cover up the fact. Welcome to AT! LOL!! :party:



Somewhere on AT there is a thread about
male tarot readers.
Have no idea where or how to find it.

Someone will come up with it at sometime, I'm sure.

Welcome & enjoy!


Bear in mind, tarotbear, that may be all in the mind.

Some say that it IS in the mind .... that women tend to feel more comfortable in exercising intuitive skills than men. This group might say that men are more naturally "logical" than women, that there is a biological basis for this predominance of women.

Some say that social constructions around gender would generally prevail against males entering the field of tarot studies. This means that tarot may be considered a "soft" study.

I would say ... What does it matter?

Little Baron

Another male here.

But because of my screen name (and my previous one), many thought I was female (for some reason) .. so you never can tell.



tarotbear said:
Actually, every single person on these boards is really a male; we've created female screen names and profiles to cover up the fact. Welcome to AT! LOL!! :party:

Ahhh! Hence the interest in jockstraps revealed!