what's the difference after the tarot enter to your life?


Can everybody shares some experiences about what the difference /changes after the tarot enter to your life? or what it brings to you ? I'm just start my first step,I don't get it much yet. ...But I hope through learning tarot,I can feel more confident of my own intuition .


One thing I noticed after a few weeks of card study and still makes me smile to this day, is picking out details in everyday views. What is on someone's counter, or the wall of a restaurant, or in an advert...which way feet are pointing, birds, what's in the pictures...Looking at little details that perhaps a non-tarotist may never notice at all.

the world becomes a series of enormous tarot cards full of interesting details!


PS: Welcome to the Aeclectic Tarot website and forum!!!


I've noticed more that life is a series of events that everyone goes through at some point. Also, that even the most tragic of events can lead to a positive revelation...if you let it.


Hello Rosemayh
Since Tarot has entered my life in a more active way, I noticed that I have become more creative and less rigid, it has been a great gift now that I just let go more.
now I can not imagine life without


Well, you start to think in Tarot (it's like when you learn a new language and at some point you realize you're thinking in that language rather than your own). Like you'll hear someone complaining about a job they hate and you'll think they're feeling very 8 of Swords and that they need a little more courage to 8 of Cups. Or, I've noticed that one mood I've dealt with over many years, which is sort of a low-grade depression, is very 4 of Cups.

Also, you start realizing just how connected to the rest of humanity you are. It might also be just a product of growing up, because my years of learning Tarot have also been years of maturing in many ways. But just realizing that all of your feelings can be described by Tarot, and so can everyone else's, makes it evident that we're all so much alike.


I felt like I was let into a secret club within which the universe has opened its doors and shared all its secrets with me! It was love at first sight, and I cannot imagine a life without it! I feel more "prepared" for life now than I was as I now have tools to help me.

BT (before Tarot) I used to stress about things alot more than I do now. I tended to have a pessimistic attitude about the future, like always assuming that if something was going to happen, it would be bad. Reading the Tarot has taught me that it is OK to assume things are going to be good, and I have the courage to see things through to the end (because I have seen that things will work out). While I don't always interpret the cards correctly, the cards are always correct. Even when "bad" cards come up, I am thankful because I would much rather know what is coming and prepare, than to go in blind and be faced with something nasty as a surprise.

I :love: :love: :love: Tarot!



Deana said:
Well, you start to think in Tarot (it's like when you learn a new language and at some point you realize you're thinking in that language rather than your own). Like you'll hear someone complaining about a job they hate and you'll think they're feeling very 8 of Swords and that they need a little more courage to 8 of Cups. Or, I've noticed that one mood I've dealt with over many years, which is sort of a low-grade depression, is very 4 of Cups.

Yes, and not only does this happen, I found myself saying something to a friend last night as we were discussing the meaning of the word "opinionated." I don't always see opinionated as a bad thing, while she kinda did, so I said, "Yes, it can be obnoxious, but that's like 'opinionated reversed.'" She laughed so hard and said omg, you're speaking in tarot. :D

Tarot has strengthened my intuition, given me a new way to help others, and deepened my soul in so many ways.


Pablo Picasso was quoted as saying "I do 'art' every single day."

I 'do' Tarot every single day is some way, shape, or form ... although I will admit a lot of it has become 'electronic' Tarot ~ especially my weekly reading for myself. (I once used to be given a daily reading and loved it until the service went out of business! I rarely touch real cards when reading for myself.)

Anyway - that statement behind me - due to my daily involvement in Tarot for at least the past 14 years or so --- I learned to see the synchronicity in daily living that so many others miss - I don't need a spread of cards to 'understand' something. Did my intense involvement in Taot 'hone' a few other psychic skills along the way? Maybe.

Tarot will only enhance your life: carpe diem!


long answer

rosemaryh said:
Can everybody shares some experiences about what the difference /changes after the tarot enter to your life? or what it brings to you ? I'm just start my first step,I don't get it much yet. ...But I hope through learning tarot,I can feel more confident of my own intuition .

Wow! It's only been 2 1/2 years, but it has totally changed my life SO much for the better. The thought of going back and being who I would have been without my Tarot had I never found it is something I would never want to do again. It's changed my life so drastically and completely in so many ways. Sometimes I just take it all for granted until someone asks this kind of question and that makes you stop to think.

--It has certainly changed my entire view of the world. Tarot is based on synchronicities, so it taught me that these do exist and they are an everyday part of life. That the world we live in is of the type that encumpasses these magical occurances. It has certainly done a lot to show me how magical a world we live it.

--Tarot is the tool that taught me how to use and trust my intuition and how very important it is to my everyday life.

--Tarot has taught me a lot about how interconnected we all are with everyone else on the planet, and with the very planet itself. I only read for others who are not present. For friends, I just type the reading up and hand it to them. For stranger or penpals, I e-mail it to them. I have done many mnay readings already for complete stranger who were across the globe and the readings were very accurate. There is something there connecting us all, and a way that the truth reaches us so we can help these people who need us. It's truly magical--again taught me more on how magical a world we live in.

--I have done many meditations with my cards that have shown me how connected to the universe/planet we are. One that I remember was on a very cloudy dismal day. It had been raining fror 4-5 days straight. And I sat by the window doing a meditation on a card that had a sun in it peeking out of the clouds. 5 or so minutes later, I put the card away and had my back to the window. The room suddenly lit up around me. And I turned and the sun outside the window had just come out for the first time in days and days just after I put the card away, and it looked identical to the one in the card. All I could say was "Wow!!!"

--I have learnt from the cards that we live in a universe that is constantly giving us advice and helping us in any way it can. Messages I have needed to see in the cards echo in other parts of my life until I fully take the advice. For example when I need advice on my love life, first the cards tell me what I need to know, and then whereven I look the same advice keeps repeating...I will see in on TV, open a page in a book randomly....and it will often all be talking about the exact same thing.

--It has taught me more and more to have faith in the universe, and that everything we expereince is sent to us for a positive reason, to make us better people. It has taught me, more than anything else in my life, who kind the universe is and to have faith that whatever happens will be in my best interest.

--Before Tarot I used to have dreams at night. Sometimes I would write them down and wonder at them, never being sure what they wanted to tell me. Now my Tarot has given me the tools to analyze these dreams and they have been chock full of life changing info, that has improved my life in countless ways. I just separate the dream into parts and ask what each symbolises and what I am meant to learn from it.

--The study of Tarot has lead me to other divination methods and spiritual tools that have been very enlightening. My first Tarot, the Haindl, includes the I-Ching, Runes...on the cards, so I eventually learnt about those too. As well the deck lead me to study other things such as reincarnation, chakras...All of these expanded my awareness in wonderful ways.

--The cards have made me a more confident person. They taught me that things are not written in stone. That we can almost always change our future. And they have taught me how. Before Tarot, I used to be terrified of making some terrible irreversalbe mistake that would cause real havoc in my life. First Tarot allows me to see it coming if I am headed in a wrong direction. Then if I am heading into a bad situation it tells me how to turn it around and turn it into a good one. I feel I have a power to create my future that I did not have before my cards.

--They taught me that I am not alone, as I once suspected, but that there are higher powers in the world to help us when we ask. Tarot is a great way to ask. :great: My cards have personally taught me that there are real faeries and angels in the world who can communicate with us.

--Of course the study of Tarot has made me a number of good friends that I met here on AT. :grin:

--They have let me truly help other people and helped me comfort them. This has been a great joy in my life. And sometthing I feel is part of my life purpose.

--My cards have literally gotten me out of trouble in countless ways, that I will be eternally grateful for. One recent one that stands out in my mind: a few months back I did a reading on a romantic relationship that was just starting in my life. I asked, amongst other things, about our 6 month, 1 year and long-term future. It said in 6 months we would run off (live together), in one year we would be fighting quite a bit and in the long-term I would end up alone. I was quite horrified. And it did say it was because I wanted him to be mine so much I would rush things too fast and things needed more time to develop more strongly, divine timing....Anyway, I did a number of readings on how I needed to change my attitudes, changed my way of thinking...AND

a few days ago I asked again. Now the card for our 6 month future is called "Trust", that we will develop a deep trust for each othter, the 1 year future is called "Harmony. It will be a very harmonious relationship (when you compare this to the original about us fighting so much!!! I mean WOW!) and our long-term future was a card called "Serenity", which was a very good relationship with no discord to speak of and it even mentioned the strength of our commitment for each other. I mean how can you not love a tool like Tarot that has the power to take you future from such a negative one to such a joyous one???

-- When I first started I thought Tarot was just for predicting the future. I never guessed what a wonderful tool it is for changing and creating our futures.

--Tarot has helped me forgive people in my past whom I had not been able to before. Going back in time by asking the cards why they really acted as they did at that time and if they had meant to hurt you is great for helping you forgive. You can even ask what you need to know now that will help you forgive...My cards, as you can see, are a great source of peace for me in my life.

--Tarot is also great at unearthing hidden unconscious motives for why you are acting like you do. Tarot is wonderful for finding what is in your unconscous....like for finding out what unconscious motives are making you cheat on that diet. So that once they are out in the open you can take a good look at them and work in eliminating them.

--Tarot is a big part of me and something I adore with all my heart and soul. It is my best way to connect with something greater than us, the Divine, in my life. For me that is how I see it. Every time I use it it improves my life more and more. And it is an endless source of magic and wonder.

-- Tarot is like all the beauty and mysteries of the universe rolled up in card form. :grin:
