Seeing Spirits After Using The Cards


I had been seeing these dark figures slip past the windows and into rooms for about a week straight. I did not attribute that to the fact of using my cards because I have always seen these figures on and off through out my life. I was having lunch with my 7 year old daughter and she started explaining the same thing I had been seeing. She was very descriptive and even became a tad annoyed about how they weren't there when she'd look directly at them. It was a bonding moment because I then realized my daughter had what I had. Sometimes I would tell her to pull a card for me and she used to love doing it. I noticed that she stopped being so agreeable to do this and started to tell me that she didn't want to. I just thought that she didn't want to just because... until one day she came out and told me her real reason.... she said "Everytime I do that I start to see spirits and I don't like that!" I have heard how spirits are around when we play with the cards but I don't ever see them. I also never talk about this stuff with her so I know it wasn't me that put it in her head, nor anyone else. Does any of you have a story to share regarding spirits with cards?



i would say that the spirits you are seeing are more then likely to be you and your daughter's spirit guides, rather than spirits who are latching onto you.

why not speak to them when you see them and just say hello?

do you ground yourself or close your psychic abilities down at all?

it may be worth joing a spiritualist group in order to learn some exercise to close down from them, or to open up more to find out what they want to say.

and good on you for helping your daughter to develop her natural abilities. :)

jue xx


I felt the presence of spirits long before I had a deck of tarot cards, but I haven't noticed them coming around more as a result of the cards.

I wasn't going to say anything, but since chrisam-crystals said:" it may be worth joing a spiritualist group in order to learn some exercise to close down from them, or to open up more to find out what they want to say" I thought I would bring up a point and get your opinions on this as it's been troubling me a bit.

While I agree these groups can offer a lot of advice on opening up and closing down,the online spiritualists I've run into say that if you start to sense spirit while reading the cards, you should immediately put the cards down- that the two should not be mixed. Is this the idea of Spiritualists only in the UK or is it the idea of spiritualists in the religion of Spiritualism?

I hope it's all right that I posed this question here. It seemed to fit. If not I understand if it needs to be moved/deleted/moderated/etc...




Dear Jue,

I speak to them all the time. haha People think I am nuts. We also live right across the street from a cemetary. At first my daughter thought it was funny, then she went through an emotion of being uncomfortable and now it doesn't phase her. I don't ever ground myself and close anything off. I have always remained open since I was a little girl and I think that is because I do not believe in "true evil". I don't become fearful that something bad could or would happen. I'm not saying that's what you could have meant, I am just adding that in there. I have always thought of these dark figures as shadow people and learned that they came around during a time of negativity. My daughter on the other hand speaks of seeing things after touching my cards and even though she was a bit scared, I was intrigued. I do fully believe in raising my children as indigos. I have always allowed them to choose and to do things on their own without much intervention from me, as I watched silently from a far. I am very proud that my daughter can have a mother like me to believe her and to help guide her through her life. I didn't have that up until a couple years ago after much proof that I had to provide.

Thank you very much for your thoughts!
Many blessings to you :)



Dear Disa,

Thank you for your thoughts. I will do more research on such groups but never wished to get involved with one. :) What you tell me reminds me of those that believe evil things can come through the cards and even though that may be true to others, it isn't in my life. I understand all opinions and beliefs and I respect them. I leave my decks out all over the place. I think it's all in the power of the mind. If you feel truly that something bad could happen, it will be manifested... and vice versa.

Many blessings!


To keep this related to tarot (because otherwise it should be in Spirituality), it is my opinion and personal experience that using the tarot opens you up spiritually. I personally do not think it is the cards per se but rather the activity of reading which tends to raise you and hence make spirits more visible.


i would say then that because your daughter is opening herself whilst using the cards, she is opening her 3rd eye to see spirit - the deck is acting like the key.

perhaps she could try holding some hematite, obsidian or smokey quartz to ground her after using your cards?

jue xx