Things/Issues you can't read


This question isn't about ethical matters preventing you to read about some situation, is about those things or issues you just can't get anything useful from the cards, why does it happen and if possible how to fix it. Please let's not talk about timing because already there are lots of threads about it.

In my case, this situation happens whenever I try to read for lost objects, of course the reading takes place after I've looked everywhere and put the house and office upside down :) at those times I've pulled 2 to 3 positionless cards asking for intuitive clues of where that lost object is.

I got really frustrated because neither, the object appears and I am unable to get cards message... anyone else had experienced something like this? did you overcome this block? if so, how did you manage to accomplish that?

Thank you very much for your help.


I never tried the tarot for lost objects, but once I tried to find a lost person. The answer was "you won't know anything until this young girl becomes a mother." and so it was. At least in the mean time I was fairly sure that she was still alive.

Cards were 8 of Swords, Page of pentacles reversed, 9 of pentacles. I knew the Page of pentacles was the lost girl and that the 9 of pentacles meant a change in her condition. The problem card was the 8 of Swords. I kept thinking it referred to the girl, but I finally figured out that it referred to me.

So, one suggestion may be that the cards may be telling you something about what you're doing to find the object rather that actually locating the object. :)


One of the areas Tarot just doesnt offer me clear answers is on my weight issues. I'm trying to lose the excess weight after pregnancy but am so blocked to answers which is why I simply cannot decipher my cards.

I have never used the cards to find out Lost Objects, but as I write I have just received an email asking me for an appointment to discuss his missing brother.

That should be challenging:)



greycats said:
So, one suggestion may be that the cards may be telling you something about what you're doing to find the object rather that actually locating the object. :)
I understand, is the classic "cards won't tell you what you want to know but what you need to now" after reading your kind comment, realised that cards might be showing the way I deal with the loss and its consequences (whether for real or imaginary) cards will not become a magical compass showing where is the object.

Always tell my Querents the reading is about herself/himself so it should be in the case of lost objects, in future my approach to lost objects readings should start with question rephrased like: "What attitudes will lead me to find the lost X?" or "What shall remember about the moment when I lost X? instead of "Where is X?"

Thank you very much, this indeed changed my point of view.


zach bender said:
my recent experience with a mislaid object spread
Nice blog!
As you, my first reaction to lost objects readings are positionless readings, in my case I pull cards in the hope to get a small story with clues, I found your blog post in line with greycat's comments, the cards speak about us, not the object. Thank you very much for sharing. So, you found it? :)


eastarot said:
One of the areas Tarot just doesnt offer me clear answers is on my weight issues. I'm trying to lose the excess weight after pregnancy but am so blocked to answers which is why I simply cannot decipher my cards.

I have never used the cards to find out Lost Objects, but as I write I have just received an email asking me for an appointment to discuss his missing brother.
What kind of questions you make? what cards you get? wonder if certain cards are showing you eating-habits, very specific food groups or even exercises or therapies (for example 10 of Swords has been seen as acupunture)

Best wishes for your lost person reading, I'm sure you'll bring insight and solace to the family.