Want to share recipes?


Herbs and essential oils, I was thinking. . .I love adding recipes to my herbal journal.

Here is one I love (got it from a back issue of New Witch magazine). It's for soaking sore muscles and I can personally endorse it.

Equal parts of tea tree, rosemary and lavendar oils. Put 3-5 drops in a hot bath when you need to soak those tired muscles.

It works very well, and I always keep it on hand.


Thanks sharpchick thats great advice for me at the moment!

I dont really have any recipes to share but a good tip is Grapefruit essential oil in the burner makes for a very sunny day - excellent when visitors pop in..



Oooh great

I collect recipies (or receipts as they were once known).

I've got all sorts from shoe polish to a cure for cancer (no I doubt it works either)

Most of the ingredients for the 'interesting' stuff are either illegal now or names which I can't easily identify but they make fun reading and are a great historical document.

One of my favourites recipies is for shiney hair is:

An ounce of Rosemary and an ounce of chamomile in a muslin bag, simmered in a pint of water for 5 mins then allow to cool and use as a hair rinse.

Another great tip to stop glasses steaming up is to rub a little soap on them, polish off and they don't steam up!


sharpchick said:
Herbs and essential oils, I was thinking. . .I love adding recipes to my herbal journal.

Here is one I love (got it from a back issue of New Witch magazine). It's for soaking sore muscles and I can personally endorse it.

Equal parts of tea tree, rosemary and lavendar oils. Put 3-5 drops in a hot bath when you need to soak those tired muscles.

It works very well, and I always keep it on hand.

I have all those oils, I thnk I will take your advice!


Thank you sharpchick and MARINA...wow, such perfect timing you both have!! Two needs solved at once... the grapefruit sounds like the perfect thing to energize my environment, and I wouldn't have thought of it. The bath sounds like just the thing for my arthritic back.... I'm heading out to the store today. :)


The incense I will take to a group Samhain ritual (this gave me a little over a quarter of an ounce of incense, which should last us about an hour. If you don't need that much, reduce the proportions accordingly):

Mix and then grind together equal parts sage (cleansing, protection and divination); patchouli (cleansing, protection and love); chamomile flowers (cleansing and enhancement of psychic abilities/dreams); and mugwort (healing, protection, divination, astral travel and past life regression). (I used about 1/4 cup of each of these herbs.)

Grind together (if not using powder) equal parts benzoin (purification and astral projection); frankincense (courage, protection and spirituality); and myrrh (purification, protection and spirituality). (I used about 1/2 tsp of each resin.)

Carefully mix in the resin powder with the ground herbs (this will be dusty - I recommend a larger than necessary ceramic or glass bowl, as deep as you can get). Fix the dry incense with equal parts patchouli, rosemary (cleansing, healing and love) and sandalwood (astral projection, divination, healing, protection) oils (mixed together, about a small blue dropper bottle full). Sprinkle the oil mixture by drops, turning the incense over and over with a wooden spoon. It will darken as the oil penetrates some of the dry herbs and resin powder.

If you've made a large batch like this and don't use it all at Samhain, I'd say it would be appropriate for any ritual celebrating the Goddess as crone and/or the God as sage, as well as spells cast to facilitate contact wth the spirits.


thanks for these recipes! i am really just beginning to get into herbs again---my mother was always handy for a remedy with herbs for ailments, but i kind of got away from all that. since becoming a member on AT, my interest is 'renewed' again--and i'm going to try some of these.

yesterday, while shopping in walmart, i caught off guard and was quite surprised to see a small bottle of tree oil there at a reasonable price. i did not pick it up then, but plan to go back and get some for my tired achy feet. I'll have to look and see if they offer others as well. I do grow my own rosemary (now inside for winter), and sage, (now dried/drying for winter use), and lavender. So, I'm almost half way there! Maybe next year I'll have to plant more herbs. Thanks again for the ideas.


I always keep Arnica gel around - It works wonders on bruises, brings them out and sooths them - essential if you have an hyperactive 9 yr old son. :)


Oh Emily yes Arnica, I also have the tablets/drops for under the tongue and indeed it heals pain on all levels thanks for adding that!



I'm writing all these down. . .

More, please.