death, tower and high priestress. . .crazy.


alright. . so i found this pretty cool reading on this site. it was for relationships and understanding the viewpoint of the other person involved. i'm sort of obsessed with these love readings. . .but anyway, here are the results and my interpretations. i would be grateful to hear yours. i used the druidcraft deck.

1st position: how does he want me to see him?- page of cups

i would imagine that this would mean that he wants me to view him with a loving eye, and see him in a romantic light.

2nd position: how does he see me?- prince of cups

i think he may see me as a little dreamy. . .maybe even idealistic (which makes a lot of sense.) he thinks i follow my heart and am very emotionally inclined. . possibly even moody.

3rd position: how does he view the relationship as a whole?- seven of cups

right now, he feels like it's a pipe dream. the 7 of cups usually refer to fantasy for me, and possibly indecision/a need to wait things out. he is now far away from me, so he may just feel that this is only a relationship he can entertain in the realm of fantasy. . one he cannot make real at this point in time.

4th position: what does he like or find attractive about me?- 10 of cups (clarifier queen of wands)

for one, i think i am someone who he thinks will always be there and can be counted on emotionally. he feels a sense of permanence with me, and doesn't think i will one day disappear or desert the situation. the queen of wands represents to me a very willful and powerful woman. he may find it attractive that i am as resolute, loyal, and bold in my pursuance of this relationship.

this is where it gets interesting. . .

5 position: what does he not like or find unattractive about me? (i drew A LOT of clarifiers for this one, just to make sure. . ) death, clarifier 1 the high priestess, clarifer 2 the tower

my take on this is that maybe i scare him a little. these are all very transformational cards, and perhaps he feels that i am challenging him in some way to rethink his priorities or to look within himself. maybe he's afraid that he's going to have to take a long hard look at himself and the situation. maybe i kill his ego defenses and he finds that unsettling. it's also possible that he is made uncomfortable by my intensity or the depth with which i feel. either way, those are some very STRONG influences that may make him really uneasy.

position 6: what is his level of interest in pursuing a relationship right now? 6 of swords, clarifier 7 of pentacles.

i would just read this as saying right now, it is a no go, and he feels a need to put it to rest in his mind and focus on other things. however, the 7 of pentacles to me denotes a sense of just letting events unfold by themselves. he may not wish to make a commitment (which is understandable, given the circumstance) but he wants to let things grow and flourish on their own terms.