reoccurring Death -- should I be concerned?


Lately the Death card has been reoccurring in the outcome position of my readings. In one reading on a trip I will be taking soon, I got the High Priestess, The Hermit, and then Death. On another issue, concerning somewhere I'm seriously considering moving to, I got The World and Death. I can't help but wonder if it means a physical death, especially with all the other Major Arcana cards popping up with it.


I doubt it's physical death -- it looks as though it has to do with a change in the way you're thinking about things... One that will change the way you see the whole world. The first series, High Priestess, The Hermit then Death -- seeking within, attempting to understand teh mysteries, and a turn to study -- or at least, both of the first two suggest turning away from the every day life in order to contemplate and consider one's path (through the mystical world or through books) -- both leading to a change in the way you see the world... Did your vacation end up helping you to see your life in a way that was new? Did the withdrawal from your everyday existence come with studying and contemplation?

In the second series, The World and Death -- another transition. A period when a cycle is completed. That can also feel like a death of sorts, but it's not usually physical -- just a new direction in your life. Certainly a move could be such a thing as this, couldn't it? The end of one chapter in your life (as the World ends the Majors), and the release of old ideas and the transformation of your world view (Death). This looks like a productive change, though -- a good thing in the long run.

Just my two cents. ;)


To me it feels as though you are on the brink of something really big and good..the rest of your life so to speak...though flux can be painful and it can take awhile to let go of our chrysalis & adapt to our new skin, the result is being a butterfly...I personally am excited for you


It may be that a major change will be brought about - something that alters your views or how you live your life :)

I got the death card a lot last year, when I was going through changes that have had a very big impact on how I see things now, and some of my former beliefs have changed (I feel, for the better). The death card also appeared before I went on a big trip that involved living somewhere else for some months. Indeed, living elsewhere brought about changes in many many aspects of my life.



Thanks y'all. I don't feel quite as concerned now. Was beginning to wonder if I should pick out a coffin!