Crossing your legs??


I went to a lady I know to have my cards read, its always nice to get another perspective. And she said to me not to cross my legs b/c then everything will come out upside down or wrong...I never heard of this before and when i read for myself I usually do it in that medidation seating, like indian style bc i feel more relaxed...but now I wonder what if I am not supposed to cross my legs??

Anyone heard of this before, what do you think about it?




I have never heard of that one before! At first, I thought she may say something about energy being restricted or blocked, but not to do it because the cards may come out wrong? I haven't heard of that one before!

Little Baron

Pao said:
I went to a lady I know to have my cards read, its always nice to get another perspective. And she said to me not to cross my legs b/c then everything will come out upside down or wrong...

You didn't draw the 'Hanged Man' by any chance, did you?

That might be taking intuition a little too far.



Just when I thought I had heard it all!

My suggestion would be to do as she instructs when you visit her for a reading. If she believes this, then one should assume that there is truth in it- in the confines of her own reading space at least.

As far as reading for yourself goes, I think most would agree that you should do what makes you comfortable.


I think the only way the cards would come out wrong was if the readerwere not focused as she shuffed and drew them. I don't think the universe (if that is where you believe your answers come from) could care less what you do with your legs. It cares and reads what is in your heart and acts accordingly. And it is certainly powerful enough that something as mundabe as crossed legs are not going to confuse it in the least.

I think it's the reader herself who has a some kind of fear of crossed legs. Now, I've heard everything. :grin:



If this related to varocois veins, blood supply, bad knees, swollen ankles, arthritis, low table tops - well I could sort understand - but as for the cards you get ... Im sorry - Your probable outcome reflected by the cards are not relatively chnaged by your leg being crossed or uncrossed!

But now this seed has been planted within your consciousness, you may have the feeling or the idea that the cards cannot be correct unless you take up this position. I would ask questions of this reader now. What is the basis of her suggestion, and what relevance does it have to you - ask questions and ask why!!

Crossing legs can be like folding arms - but this is a reflection of protection and defensiveness - if this is in relation to body language - she may have just been asking you to uncross your legs to be open to ideas and consider all aspects before making decisions - it may have had nothing to do with the cards.

*Somehow this post is sounding really weird :p*

Even if she gives you her opinion on this 'leg-uncrossing' research it, and see what you think about it yourself - otherwise you may find that this 'suggestion' becomes a block within itself.

Just some thoughts

Blessings Elven x


i've read not to cross your legs when using a pendulum

not sure why (and i always make sure theyre uncrossed)

must test and see if it still works with them crossed lol


Hi Star-lover :)

I think that has to do with being grounded and in balance. But my pedulum works weather my feet are on the floor or not :p

I just have this warped sense of humour ... excuse me Buddha - it wont work if you cross your legs ... ;)

Now Im being silly Elven skips off :p

Blessings Elven x



Don't know if crossing your legs is bad for card reading, butt i learned from a friend that on a chair crossing your legs en crossing your arms a bit over your belly cuts you of from surrounding emotions a bit.
Especially if your empathic it may come in handy, it worked sometimes for me maybe because i think of it that way, not sure.

greets dave


Never heard of this before BUT when one meditates don't we have to uncross any arms or legs? Flow of energy...

My legs are crossed now & I'm finally doing the rest of my palm readings....some nights I'll read tarot with crossed legs :)

Each to their own I guess.