

can it be that the cards show the past or present eventhough you asked for the near future? I got recently a few cards, which seemed to reflect the situation, feelings which I had, but they were in the past....
Has this happened to anyone before? In my case, I seem to have 'exhausted' the cards regarding a topic and now they seem to only reflect current status or past, even if others read for me, they state that they don't see clearly which way the situation is going.....


Sometimes a better understanding of the past/present can help you with the near future. Understanding yourself and perhaps making better decisions than you would have. Of course, that's kind of annoying when you're looking for answers. :(


it makes sense indeed. And its fine for me as well, as I think I got the answer already, now I should just waiut rather then reconfirming. I was just puzzled when I got a few cards which reflected how I will feel, (getting the 9/swords and cards suggesting me being passive, and letting other decide form others again) whereby I am feeling now relaxed, positive, content and taking charge :D :D though in the past I was for a few months in that mood. Therefore I was puzzled to see the cards come up again for the future...
Maybe its just a reminder to stay on my path and not get bogged down again... :)


splendorous adventuring

In the same way that we don't know for certain
which cards will turn up when we do a reading,
what the cards will show may be a surprise too.

Experience allows us to provide a starting point~
and then be ready to take off and fly from there.


I believe if a card falls into a slot that has been designated for the "near future," or if in response to a question regarding the same, then that is how it should be read. Just because we may not like, or don't understand, what it is telling us, that doesn't mean the card is wrong. I believe we can miss out on a great deal of discovery if, instead of staying with what has been dealt, we keep stopping and starting over, hoping to get cards that are more to our liking.

We tend to want it all now, and card reading is no exception. There is a misconception that the answers we seek should come right now, or something is wrong. Sometimes it takes weeks or months to fully understand what a spread means.


Hello cherryberry!

Asking a question and choosing a spread helps to give form
to a reading, but then we often find that our interpretation
will swirl and mix everything, so that we will see something
amazingly different than what we might have expected...

And that was why I titled my post 'splendorous adventuring'
to show that Tarot is always so beautiful. And spontaneous!

Once the cards are on the table, the books are secondary.

Best Wishes!


Something else occurred to me.

The phrase "near future" is very broad and open to interpretation. Your idea of near future may be two weeks, while the cards' idea may be six months. The cards may be showing something that could happen six months from now while you are thinking more in terms of two weeks. This could throw off how you interpret them.

I happen to like broad and open-ended questions, keeping time frames flexible. But if you really need an answer for the next week or two, then ask for that specifically. If you ask for the "near future" when what you really mean is two weeks it can confuse and complicate things.


the thing is, it was just a Star spread, however the situation described 'felt' like something that already happened...Could it not be possible that it really refelected the past? In your readings, did they always refer to the future, be it 2 weeks or 6 months from now?


interesting thread, lots of information in it!! Thanks Fulgor! :)