Tarot Isn't Working


I don't know what's happened, but I can't seem to read tarot anymore. I try and try, and I even try to read for others, but it's all coming out jumbled and unclear. I've switched decks, cleansed them, asked for guidance, etc. but it's no good.

Does this mean I need to put tarot aside for a while? Why does this happen? How come my tarot readings haven't improved in the lat 3 weeks?




This happened to me and I did stop reading for a while. What I did was start writing in my journal again. I started meditating on the cards again and exploring their meanings and writing them down in my journal. I was loosing my connection because I was just reading with no one on one time with the cards to just explore and 'feal' them.

Don't worry. It will come back to you!


i think this happens to alot of people
has happened to me a couple of times

then i get clear and centred and think i'm ready to do a reading about an important subject and i get something stupid like 2 of pentacles which makes no sense and think i give up lol - i say oh bog off but probably the cards telling me to bog off cos theyve thrown up the exact card i cant stand

still i use my pendulum and that 90% of the time gives me the answer to what i want to know

BUT if i overuse it it dies on me and talks rubbish - perhaps if you overuse the cards you create a fog/blockage/whatever you want to call it?


I can't say I haven't overused them. But what's considered overuse? :D

I keep getting the same cards, and I'm not getting any sort of intuitive 'feel' for what the cards are trying to say. The worst is when I get the High Priestess--I think, what's the use of you? She won't tell me a thing.

It's very frustrating; like knowing a language and suddenly forgetting it. It feels like losing one of your senses, in a way...


P.S. As far as pendulums go, I haven't had much luck with them. And recently, I found out I have a slight telekinesis ability, and it makes sense, because I always got the answers I wanted from my pendulum--not the ones that were necessarily true. So I'm stuck with tarot...


GoddessArtemis said:
I keep getting the same cards, and I'm not getting any sort of intuitive 'feel' for what the cards are trying to say. The worst is when I get the High Priestess--I think, what's the use of you? She won't tell me a thing.

Oh yeah... she will... She will tell you that the answers are inside of yourself, that you have the ability but not the quiet and peace of mind. She will tell you that you are intuitive and you haven't been dealing with it well. She will tell you that you are full of other people's energies and haven't been taking properly care of yourself. She will tell you that probably you don't want to hear any of this... She will tell you all about the responsibilities of having Psychic Gifts.

Do I sound like somebody who has been haunted by the HP? Naaaaah.... })

I know loads of people who think the HP is quiet and doesn't say a thing... If only!



Kahlie said:
Do I sound like somebody who has been haunted by the HP? Naaaaah.... })
She BUGS me! She has been haunting my spreads for at least a month, and I really feel like if she has something to say, SAY IT!

She won't. She tells me to figure it out. But then again, if I could, would I be asking tarot?

Grrrrrrrrr. Don't get me started on the HP...



GoddessArtemis said:
She BUGS me! She has been haunting my spreads for at least a month, and I really feel like if she has something to say, SAY IT!

She won't. She tells me to figure it out. But then again, if I could, would I be asking tarot?

Grrrrrrrrr. Don't get me started on the HP...


She tells you. She says it's inside of you. She says you already know it. She says it's deep deep deep inside of you. She tells you to listen, and empty to hear the answer. Not keep yourself filled with Questions.

Oh yeah! Let's get started on the HP })



so are you saying the HP says stop reading the cards?

i had a phone reading once - and the hp came up and he said - let it be - its that moment when the artist does not know what to paint on the canvas - he has to let it be, let it flow and see what comes out - not something you can predict - all about inspiration

thats a mystery in itself

the magician and HP in cahoots lol


star-lover said:
so are you saying the HP says stop reading the cards?
Good question...maybe that's it?



It's a natural emotional stress response.

When being under emotional pressure, the natural response is to sharpen mental focus on details and specifics to 'get the emotional house' in order as effectively as possible... This happens automatically and it's not possible to be consciously aware of doing it except for comparing how things usually work with how they're working now (like readings making no sense).

The reason it blocks intuition and thereby makes tarot readings seem meaningless is that the detail focus ties you mentally to the individual card and isolate them from each other... they become isolated islands instead of countries to explore.

I think you just need some peace of mind and of heart. :)