Crystals and Electricity

Dancing Bear

I have heard something about Crystals and Elctricity..

I forgot whether it was a good or bad thing to have a crystal near a lamp or pc any electrical appliance...

I have a large clear quartz crystal next to my touch lamp... I have heard that these touch lamps have a continuous current running in them...
IF this is true would it be a bad thing for my crystal?

I use this crystal for protection when asleep, dreams and for grounding after readings... and on the odd occasion readings..

any info would be good ;)

DB xx


Dancing Bear perhaps you were thinking of piezoelectricity? All quartz is piezoelectric - one of the things that activates piezoelectricity in quartz is to squeeze or apply pressure to the stone. It actually causes the quartz to change shape a little bit, by about .01%

Your quartz will actually be helpful to have it near your touch lamp, as it will help to negate the unhealthy EMFs that come from the lamp (or a tv, or computer, etc.). Quartz helps to produce a solid state energy field and can even help to eliminate static electricity around you.

Dancing Bear

Thankyou so much for clearing that up for me, as i was getting worried whether it was a bad thing, mind you, i always have a sound sleep, and always feel safe when the crystal is near, i also dreamt once it is a healing crystal...

Thank you for your knowledge and wisdom
Crystal woman.... Love the name