the Mayan Oracle


I got this deck today at a used book store at a cheap price. i was looking at getting it last year but never did. It looks interesting so far. I am looking for input from those that may have used it at some point, or someone that knows a bit about Mayan calendar. I did a quick search on AT forum but only a couple of posts were relevant.
I see now that there seems to be a difference of "opinion" or approcahes to the Maya calendar. Now, I am not sure if this deck is following anythign in particular. anyone knows about this issue? any links i can go to?



I am not familiar with the particular deck you're speaking of, but do work with the Mayan Calendar and it's symbology. I took a look at the AT page, which looks quite interesting.


I tried learning that a while back, it's complicated. I think if you take this site:

And match it up to the pictures on this site:

And balance it with this University site:

You'll make sense of it all. I hope. There are fewer university sites online than I'd like, those usually have the best information. The Mayans used a few different types of calendars, but one main one...sorta. You'll find out, I guess.


Thanks for the links! it is great for my research. I speak Spanish so no problem with the site.

the oracle i got today is this one here

and I am reviewing the book and cards and will be working with it the next few days to see how it is like. the authors say it is NOT for divination but for meditation and personal work.
