Decks with sabbat cards?


Hi, oracle-loving friends! I have a (collecting, shhh!) question for you.

What oracle decks do you know of that have cards for the equinoxes, solstices, and cross-quarters? In other words, the eight Wiccan sabbats--Yule, Imbolc, Vernal Equinox, Beltane, Midsummer, Lughnassa, Autumnal Equinox, Samhain. (Or equivalent names.)

So far I have Wiccan Cards and the new LS Celtic Oracle that have them. I'm under the impression that the Well Worn Path does NOT have one card for each holiday (just one card that called Wheel of the Year)? Is that right?

(I'm not Wiccan, I'm just obsessing on the wheel of the year these days. Must be a January thing . . .)

Let me know what you know! Thanks!


The Well Worn Path indeed doesn't have sabbat cards... I don't know which do...


I don't know about oracle decks but Blue Moon Tarot and MAAT Tarot have them, if I remember correctly :)


The Fairy Ring Oracle has them all. And very lovely they are too :). And the book commentary is great too.


Thank You!

Thank you so much Ashara, Sulis, Fudugazi, and especially huredriel!!

I find it amazing that the more I learn, the more EVERYONE ELSE seems to know! When the Blue Moon and Maat came out, I didn't know anything about full moons in the signs, so the decks seemed a bit bizzare. Now that I have read some books, I have an idea of what they're all about--and now I see what everyone has been raving about!!!!

Well, to make a long story short, I looked on an old thread on the Blue Moon and saw that is now $25 (was $50) and I almost sprained my finger rushing to clicking on "Buy Now"!

It looks that good!! So now all I have to do is wait for it to come in the mail!

Thanks again, huredriel!

The Fairy Ring looks intriging, too. So far I have avoided having anything to do with fairies, but who knows, with this itchy buying finger of mine. It might be next! Thanks, Fudugazi!

This proves that ATers know EVERYTHING!


Not an oracle deck, but the Runic Tarot is ordered around the Wheel of the Year.

The Druidcraft Tarot divides the suits by seasons and there is a chart in the front of the book giving the times of year for each card.