Replacing decks that lost the magical feeling


Hey all,

Ever since I acquired the Thoth deck, I feel really disconnected with my RWS. It was my first deck, and it is indeed special to me, but for some reason it's not speaking to me (not literally, but more in the sense of I feel really empty when trying to read with it).

Would it be a good idea if I got a new RWS deck and tried bonding with that, or should I try re-bonding with the one I have. I've smudged it, slept with it under my pillow, even tried meditating with it. But all I get is zilch.

It's disheartenening to lose that special feeling with a deck that was the one you started with. Could this probably be a message that I need to let go and expand my abilities with the next deck as well?

Any help would really be welcome

Thank You

Love and Blessings



I would just try to understand the cylical nature of things. Replacing it would probably not do any good at all. You just need to stick to the deck that is talking to you. Its turn will come back around.

just my guess


It's like with a marriage. To begin with you have a lot of fire and passion together, but with time, that gives way to more of a deep, smoldering sweetness together. It becomes that fabulous treasure of being able to communicate with just a look or a touch, without that intensity of desire you felt in the beginning, but that doesn't mean the magic has gone, it means that the true magic is only beginning. You just haven't learned to appreciate it yet. Don't get rid of it and get a new one. Just put it away for now, because in time, you'll be back and then you'll appreciate the magic you can't see right now. :)


I experienced quite the same thing some years ago... I used, and still use, the Universal Waite deck... 'Tis what I learned on... Alas, the time came when I was guided to more esoteric work, and began using the Hermetic deck... For quite some time, I couldna use the Universal Waite, and couldna figure out why... So, I just put it down and worked soley with the Hermetic deck... What I figured out was this, and I use this system to this day, when I want to do a mundane, exoteric reading, I use the Universal Waite... and when I want to do a spiritual, esoteric reading, I use the Hermetic...

Alas, methinks your Spirit be guiding you to become wholly familiar with the Thoth deck and, when it comes to Tarot, as with everything else in life, 'tis nae easy to serve two masters, *lol*... So, dinna despair, just do the Thoth deck 'til ye become one with it, and then ye'll have two decks in your psychic toolbox that will serve ye well, *s*

Moon mind

sweet_intuition said:
Ever since I acquired the Thoth deck, I feel really disconnected with my RWS. It was my first deck, and it is indeed special to me, but for some reason it's not speaking to me (not literally, but more in the sense of I feel really empty when trying to read with it).
Exactly same thing happened to me, but with Haindl.
I agree with others that it is just process in your path with Tarot.

mundane, exoteric reading I use the Universal Waite... and when I want to do a spiritual, esoteric reading, I use the Hermetic...

exactly, for different readings are different decks.



Hey all,

Thanks for all the wonderful and really helpful suggestions. I guess when it's my RWS's chance to be read with, I'll know :).

Thank You

Love and Blessings



sweet_intuition said:
I guess when it's my RWS's chance to be read with, I'll know :).

You will know. Just put it away for now and continue moving forward. Eventually, you will revisit the RWS, and be thrilled that you didn't get rid of ti! It will be like rediscovering a lost friendship! :heart:


Old decks are treasures, new decks are playthings

The two decks you mention, RW and Thoth, have been my two lifelong companions (since I was a teen -- and that's a LONG time ago!). It's been a "threesome" ever since, but in truth RW is just an old friend now for me (I still carry the pocket deck, though!) and I always use RW when I read for friends. Thoth is more "intimate" for me, now, and -- if I think back -- I've always felt more passionately connected to Thoth. But I've cycled back and forth -- with the occasional fling thrown in (Golden Tarot, recently, even a swing into Llellwyn celtic symbolism, etc). I tend to use Thoth for self-readings, meditation, any time I want to feel truly connected to the Universe, and RW for the social, friendly, happy times. Hmm. Anyway, definitely keep your old friend. I can't see a new RW deck making any difference. You have built a relationship already with your old RW. (My decks are so battered and yellowed, people roll their eyes when they see these "seventies" decks, but I won't replace them, ever.) Old decks are treasures, new decks are playthings.


They're the two best esoteric packs around. Clicking with either one of them is good. For me, it's more the Waite--I'm constantly amazed at the symbolism. I know it's in the Thoth, too, it may just come down to a matter of personal preference. But learn to read one of these, really read it, and you will understand tarot.


sweet_intuition said:
Hey all,

Ever since I acquired the Thoth deck, I feel really disconnected with my RWS. It was my first deck, and it is indeed special to me, but for some reason it's not speaking to me (not literally, but more in the sense of I feel really empty when trying to read with it).

Would it be a good idea if I got a new RWS deck and tried bonding with that, or should I try re-bonding with the one I have. I've smudged it, slept with it under my pillow, even tried meditating with it. But all I get is zilch.

It's disheartenening to lose that special feeling with a deck that was the one you started with. Could this probably be a message that I need to let go and expand my abilities with the next deck as well?

Any help would really be welcome

Thank You

Love and Blessings


My take on it is that it would not do any good to get a new version of the same deck, or the smudging.... IMHO it's not a physical thing, it's more of a psychological thing. In the sense that you may just have outgrown the deck. Just as sometimes in relationships one person grows in a certain direction and the other does not, it creates a rift between them. You can outgrow a relationship and you can outgrow a deck. What you need in a deck depends on who you are as a person. When you grow inside those needs can change.

Keep it if you want for sentimental reasons. Some day you might want to use it again just because it was your first and that's always special. And you may not want to use it again and that's ok too.
