Experiences with a Weekly Spread


I've been doing a Weekly Spread for about four weeks now, one card for every day of the week, Sunday through Saturday.

The thing that I'm finding with this is at the Thursday through Saturday point, the cards are difficult for me to figure out, and when I revisit the reading in my journal they REALLY don't make any sense in relation to the day that happened. They're totally unrelated, I have to stretch to come up with a way to explain them.

Do you suppose it's just me? Or are four days plenty for the tarot to give us insight?


I prefer to do dailies because I'm interacting with the cards on a closer basis. I'm aware of that day and what happened yesterday and more in touch with the day than if I'd done it earlier....

Practice and learn what works for you, I'd say. If you don't do well for more than 4 days, then maybe do half-week readings. A week is a random unit of time...just a way that we organize our days.