The Ghostie in My Room or To Read or Not to Read


I wasn't quite sure how to search for this, but there is a ghost guy in my room. I'm guessing he's a guy, because he always feels masculine. He's very pushy, and kind of mean waking me up in the middle of the night and freaking me out before I can totally get myself together. I'm told he might not mean to do this and that I may just have a negative reaction to his presence. The one thing I do know is that he IS around at least sometimes, because I have a picture of his face beginning to come visible on my cellphone. You can see a pair of eyes and a nose not very far from the camera might I add.

I'm super cautious and since he's been hanging around a lot lately- mostly when my dog isn't around. It is seriously cutting into my tarot time. I don't like playing with the cards when he is around because I keep hoping he'll realize I don't have a lot of psychic magic juice and go pick on someone else. I have come home intending to do a reading in my room, but changed my mind because Ghostie is hanging around. Does anyone else have Ghosts that like to hang around them? Do you let your ghosts prevent readings? Is there anything bad that can happen if I read while Ghostie is hanging about?

I have been advised to dispatch Ghostie- but I don't do magic, so I'm still trying to figure out how to go about evicting my unfriendly roommate. The real question though is will having a ghost in residence affect readings?


I cannot pretend to be able to help you with your Ghostie, but feel for you and see no one has yet offered any ideas. The only idea I would have is to try and lift the energy of your home where possible. Use incense or better still white sage, your most uplifting/warm music you have, light some beautiful candles -prepare your environment before you use your deck -so you are signalling you are in control of the atmosphere and not this 'ghostie' Who knows, it may even help him/her/it move on. I, like you wouldn't want any energy like that around when trying to read.


Depending on how big your space is, you might designate a certain spot for the ghost, like a chair, or even a room, that it can have to itself. Let it know that you live there now and you want to be peaceful and undisturbed.

Try putting wards or visualsing a 'ghost proof' shield around your personal space. The easist way to create a ward is to use trace a pentagram perhaps in chalk, salty water or even a few drops of essential oil like Lemongrass, on the 4 walls, and sprinkle a line of salt across entry points.

I think banishing etc is a last resort as the ghost is probably just hanging around the place it knew best when it was alive.

You could go into a bit of a meditative state and ask their relatives and friends on the other side to come and help him cross over.

Also, ghosts often haunt several houses, or even entire streets, so you could always ask it to take up residence elsewhere.

The other thing to think about is that you may well have latent mediumship abilities which is why you can sense the spirit. Check out some Spiritualist churches in your area - you can go to church services and you can also take mediumship development classes there. The Spiritualist Church is dedicated to proving life after death, the afterlife, ascended masters, spirit communication etc.

Fallen Angel

Hey the.pure.lily,

It depends what you want to acheive, I had a bad presence enter my bedroom one night and it freaked me out so much I smudged the room before goin to bed the next day, I also bought some crystals to protect against bad energies and kept them by my bed. It didnt bother me again.

I used to (still do sometimes) tarot in my bedroom ALL the time, as Im in a shared house its the only privacy I have. So I didnt really want to do tarot in there after that experience. I was given great advice from AT to read up on protection and speak to my guide/gatekeeper. I was a little unsure of this, as I hadnt connected at the time with any guide. However, one night in meditation I gave it a go, strangely enough I visualised my grandfather and we made an agreement that when my reading cloth was open, good spirits could come and when was closed he was to protect the "door" or he was to pass the message to the "gatekeeper".

This to me at the time sounded a little crazy "gatekeepers" and "doors"...I didnt necessarily believe in it but it was done and I havent had and problems since.

I shouldnt think it would interupt your readings unless he needs help or he is being mischeivious. In which case I would suggest you do a spirit spread, and try to help him.
If you are not happy with his presence maybe you can ask him to leave of come to an arrangement where he is around when you dont mind so much?

Just a few thoughts .x.


There's no harm in asking him - yes actually asking him - why he is there, and if he would please not appear to you, or whatever else he does.

I had ghosts in this house as a kid. I was never convinced that they were spirits of the dead, so there didn't seem to be much point in asking them about their life.

Funny though - one, a girl taller and older than me with glasses and long frizzy hair and a long old fashioned night gown to her feet, just stood at the top stair looking at me. Years later i was stood on the same step, and thought i saw something small dart into my room- a child. yep, i was wearing a long old fashioned night gown and by now i was wearing glasses and my hair had gone frizzy!! One wonders.


I'm glad you were able to do a spirit spread on your Ghostie (that made me smile) and get some insight on his situation. Maybe by doing that reading he will see you have acknowledged him and will not be so "in your face".

I had a similar experience with a Ghostie that decided to pester my sister. For some reason he left my mother and myself pretty much alone, but was bothering her. I went into her room, relaxed, and spoke to him as if he was just another living person. He didn't really want to communicate back with me except for grunts and occasional single word answers, but I still patiently and firmly asked him to "tone it down a notch" because he was scaring my sister or he'd have to leave.
She told me he's around a lot less and she can finally sleep in there at night.

So; I think you need to speak to Ghostie and find out what he needs from you, or at the very least, explain what you need from him to help make your room feel like your own space again.

Take care,


Actually as a child I had a peter pan shadow on my wall. I don't know if it was a boy or girl, but I always imagined it was a boy and I spoke to it. It never frightened me in the night and I always imagined it was just looking out for me. I never wondered if this was a ghost or spirit or memory, it simply was. Perhaps like a spirit guide, but then one day he was gone, and I couldn't see him anymore or speak to him. I was sad, it felt like I had lost a friend. The shadow was always near the ceiling just between two windows, and i could never find something that would cast that particular shape.

The only other instance I had that I remember being frightened of as a child was walking through my grandparents house and seeing a "witch's" face on the wall. It was horrible, the face was ancient with a crooked nose and cruel eyes, and it smiled as if it would eat me up. I was about four at the time, and no one believed me, but whenever I passed that spot I would look for it, and it never appeared again.

The house I live in now is my grandmother's house, but I live a long way from that wall that spooked me as a child.

... there's something wrong with the land here. My family has owned it for a long time, but it has something negative tied to it I think.

My friend suggested it might be a memory in my room, but if its only that, why is it messing with me. If Ghostie would stay in his corner I'd leave him be. Instead he waits till I am asleep to come sneak up on me.

My primary concern is interference with the cards, and secondary concern is what he's up to when I sleep. Other than that he can stay in my room.

Fallen Angel

Hi PureLilly,

I just read MeeWahs comments on the "your reading thread", all very interesting, sounds like your thoughts are confirmed there.

I would suggest you continue to read where you wish, if he is around you can acknowledge his presence and ask for privacy, if he doesnt leave then try again to ask what you can do to help him further.

If he does want to cross over then you should seek more information/help on how to help him further.

Otherwise if he is of no bother to you and he is happy where he is, I see no harm in continuing with your readings with him there.

