Faerie Decks - I Don&#39t Get It


Faerie decks seem to be a very popular item among the members of Aeclectic. Yeah, I admit that they're cute little munchkins, but I don't see the attraction.

In all seriousness, why are faeries important?
Why should I own a faerie deck?



I have been obsessed with faeries my whole life- since reading Enid Blyton books as a little girl. I actually got a faerie tattoo (well hidden) for my 28th birthday to celebrate my connection.
To me, they represent all that is good in the world. They are playful, light, joyous, magical, musical, caring, a touch naughty (in a harmless way), close to nature and its cycles. To me, they represent everything I aspire to be- a complete little symbol for my personal development.
I'm not embarassed to admit that I believe in them completely and the cards help me to learn from them. They remind me that I don't need to take life so seriously.
A trippy, dippy answer I'm sure!


Unlike Butterfly, I have never really been a big fan of faeries, until I took a closer look at all the decks that are out on the market. Also, my friend has a great faery book written/illustrated by Froud. So when I saw that there was a Faeries' Oracle designed by Froud, I bought it purely for it's artwork, but now I really love it, and I feel like a little kid whenever I "play" with them!


I like the idea of the fae, but personally have never been a fan of Faerie Decks. But I also love Froud's artwork, which I discovered via the books of Charles deLint.
I don't know if I will read with this deck though, will have to wait until I get it.


Butterfly said it so well. I just second her comments!!! (good job belinda!) :*

I loved faeries and all mythical creatures growing up, but had "grown out of them". Now I feel I can still be a grownup and play with the faeries. LOL

I'm trying to live life with more joy and less stress. They are helping immensely!!!! Froud's faery cards cause me to smile, laugh, giggle, etc. when I use them. And I need more of that in my life.

Not that I wasn't happy before, but I wasn't allowing myself to be silly. I took myself and my spiritual development far too seriously before. They're teaching me to be spiritually fun!!!! :D And interestingly enough this has caused a raise in my spiritual awareness. ;O

Faeries are just too cool!!!!! LOL ;D


To answer your specific question divinerguy "why should I own a faerie deck?"
Faeries are the guardian spirits of all nature and animals. They connect you to the earth. If we contact and connect with them they will help us heal our planet!

On side note: Has anyone read Doreen Virtue's "Healing with the Fairies" book? I just finished it last night and it's wonderful. She gives great advise on connecting and working with the fairies!! It's a great book!!!!


I had never really thought about fairy oracles until the other day when I saw Doreen Virtue's "Healing with the Fairies" deck and tried it out. The past was accurate, the future was hopeful, and the cards were beautiful. I'm going to get the deck ASAP.

Then again, I pretty much like anything Doreen Virtue does (love her angel oracle...)


New River

butterfly: i loved your reply. it echoes how i feel exactly.

faunabay turned me on to these fairy cards and i totally love them.

i really need their lighthearted, playful energy in my life right now. i am getting these cards and the book by Doreen asap!

i think our nature spirits need all the love and attention they can get these days! just like we do.

love, light and hope, New River


Kellinator, thanks for the hint on the fairy deck. It sounds very tempting, so I think I'll give myself a little treat.

Divinerguy, I reckon that it could be hard for a man to relate to fairy decks - but perhaps it could be of help if he wanted to connect more with his feminine side, or understand women a bit better (an impossible task, my husband would say) :-D Isn't there a deck somewhere that features male-like "little folk" that a man could relate to more? Elves perhaps??


Diana: I have the Faerie Oracle which I think is great, and Brian Froud definately brings an obscure strangeness to faeries which I find intreguing. I have been collecting books and illustrations by Froud since I was about 15, however I think it is the text that goes with his work that really makes it wonderful (and funny, especially those written by ex-monty python Terry Jones).