Question about printed cards


I have decided I am going to print and color my own tarot cards from the net. Does anyone know if these will give accurate readings or do you have to use proper cards to get accurate readings.


"proper" cards are physically nicer but nothing beats anything you do yourself on whatever medium. anything done by your own hand is always better.


I'd think if anything, you'd get readings that would surprise you with the accuracy. . . the cards will be infused with your energy.

Go for it.

Phoenix Rising

Our decks and cards are only cardboard and hold no power, you are the one who controls it, by your shuffling and cutting, so whatever you use, of course it will work.

What link or software are you using to print and color your cards??


The link is

it has the Rider Waite Deck and Vacchetta Deck for you to print and then color I have just printed the Rider Waite Deck as I like some of the pictures and it seems one of the most popular decks. Also I can choose the colors of the cards as in the colored deck there are some colors that I wouldn't choose.


That Vachetta is gorgeous. But I'd need another ink cartridge and some cardstock. Still...

Thank you for the link! I think it's BOTA that has their students colour their own cards, too, but I could be mistaken. One of those groups, anyway, there certainly is precedent for it amongst various magical societies.

Little Baron

I have often considered the BOTA. There are quite a few copies in a shop in London.

I agree that anything that you colour or design, is a wonderfully powerful and magical experience and therefore personalises your connection to the deck. I am making my own at the moment, and each one is a vision or expression that can only have come from me. I look forward to the day that it is complete, even though I have only finished 11 cards at the moment.



I actually thought of creating my own deck but couldn't think what each card should have and I am hopeless at drawing so settled for coloring as I enjoy that. Also the Sun and Moon card in the rider waite deck are more or less what I'd end up copying.