lay out of spreads....?


HOw do you layout the spread when doing readings? do you lay them out so it is in front of the querent ? or so it is in front of you?

I saw this woman on tv yesterday and she laid out the deck so it would be in front and right side for the man she read for, you know as i fhe awas the one reading it.



I lay the cards to face me as I'm the one reading them, looking at the meanings the patterns etc, although I sometimes will show a card to the sitter if they ask about it. I think it would be easy to dry up if not looking at the cards.

I'll move this discussion to Talking Tarot as Tarot Spreads is more to do with the posting of new spreads to share.



I always lay the cards so they face me, as I am the one interpreting them. I do try and sit catercorner to the querent, so they can more or less see the cards right way up. Depends on where I am reading but since it is usually a kitchen table, that works okay.


I usually lay them out facing me. I've tried laying them out facing the sitter but I found it a lot more difficult to read the cards that way.


I lay the cards out facing me, whilst sitting beside the querent. I find this puts them more at ease, and makes them feel more a part of the reading process.


I try to sit next to them!

If I don't, they face me. I try to sit next to someone reading for me too. It bothers me not to see them, lol.

Original Destiny

I agree with Greywoolfe and SarahRose ...I always include the client in a reading as much as possible by having them sit next to me. As I work with imagery and visualisation I try to interpret the picture/scene I see befor me.


I always lay the cards out so they face the person I am reading for.

So, technically I am reading them upside down all the time!

But since I don't do reversals, this works out well!

After all...I know what the cards look like (I should by now! :D) and it's easier for the client to see what I am referring to, and for me to point out certain symbols if they are facing them directly.